NSW Trout Strategy – some notes from a brief on the current draft
2023 Winburndale Trout Muster – relocate several hundred brown and rainbow rrout from the Winburndale Dam and the stream above, to the Mill Pond at Portland
BJ has confirmation that we are booked in at Bondi Forest Lodge 4-6 Aug. He has a placeholder for 10 people but could go higher if greater interest arises.
Check out http://www.bondiforestlodge.com.au/contactus.html Single and double rooms avail, depending on numbers. Full facility kitchen and fridges. Fireplace and stocked pond. Two person boat will be available for rotational use
We are hoping to run the 120 minute challenge (tie a fly with supplied material then go catch a fish).
Contact BJ …. details will come in email from Lyall
MAS has made a submission to the Federal Senate committee study into feral horses. Background to the study and access to the submissions including MAS’ are accessible via
Many thanks to Claude for completing this edition in my absence, cheers, Bill
Great photo of the month from life member Stuart. Rivals the photos provided by one of our new members, Paul, in his talk last month – in our ‘Tips’ blog. Many thanks to contributors, but especially to Claude for his efforts finishing off this edition in my absence. BJ has responded to suggestions of a Bondi Forest Lodge event very soon after our August Annual General Meeting. Indeed the tentative date is immediately after the 9 Aug AGM … Bondi dates 11-13 Aug. BJ is contemplating bringing down the drift boat to take folk in turns. Also looking about another 120 minute fly tying/fishing competition. Hold on for more info. Lyall has been to New Zealand recently, but more significantly helping out a mutual mate, Barry Perkins, with a fly casting event in Gore – Lyall provides some more complete with photos. Greg S has spotted another Landline article of interest. Mark S has also popped some stuff into my in-box. A bit been happening on our News Blog – eg you heard it first there about the Tantangara trip rescheduling. We have added some member profiles so you can learn a little more about our new and existing club members. We’ll be in contact soon to get your profile….start thinking about your ‘desired fishing superpower.’
Due to the significance of the recent mass fish deaths in March, the NSW Government has established an independent inquiry process. The report is expected by 31 Aug.
Folks, I’ve been away so this issue is a little smaller than normal, but our membership has made up for it in quality with an excellent report on the club trip to the Goodradigbee. Many thanks to Greg for organising the trip and for assembling this interesting report.
I’ll add some images from my recent trip to NZ – just some ‘grip and grin’ to whet your appetite for visiting in the future. In respect to NZ, NSWCFA has taken action in respect to some proposed changes to non-resident angling – see the section below on our “News” blog.
We had some very sad news with the death of long term member Shaun. Last month’s fly tying was in some respects a commemoration of his contribution to the club’s activities. We’ll miss him also as an active Administrator for our Facebook page. Our thoughts go out to his family.
As always, any and all submissions from members for future newsletters will be appreciated anytime.