CAA Virtual Fly Tying Wed 22 April 2020 – Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph

Our last virtual fly tying night with Evan from Create-A-Fly was so successful that we asked him to host it again on Wednesday 22 April … and he kindly agreed.Evan tied the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph which is one of the flies in the Fly Fishers International Bronze Fly Tying Award

The required materials are listed below:

  • Hook: #10 1X Long Nymph hook, 1xL

  • Weight: 10-15 turns of non-lead wire

  • Thread: 8/0 Black Uni-Thread or equivalent

  • Tail: Guard hairs from hare’s mask

  • Rib: Gold oval tinsel over abdomen

  • Abdomen: Blended lighter tan hair from the hare’s mask (or Hairline Dubbing # 4, Hare’s Ear – or equivalent)

  • Wing Case: Mottled turkey tail feather over thorax

  • Thorax: Blended darker brown hairs from the hare’s mask (or Hairline Dubbing #5, Dark Hare’s Ear or equivalent

keyword wetfly nymphfly

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