Category Archives: Archive

Breaking News (has been confirmed by OzFish) …. OzFish Unlimited: Inaugural Fishing Comp – Burrinjuck Waters – March 21 to 23

There’s been a post on the Canberra Fishing Network Facebook page that this has been cancelled and has been confirmed. Circumstances beyond OzFish control has resulted in the event being cancelled.

OzFish Unlimited, in partnership with Reflections Holidays, is hosting their Reflections Sustainable Fishing Series event at Burrinjuck Waters from March 21 @ 3:00 pm to March 23 @ 1:30 pm AEDT.

More information:

Lake Eucumbene 21-23 March

Come along and join fellow club members for a great weekend fishing at Lake Eucumbene on 21-23 March. We will be basing ourselves out of Buckenderra Village which has a number of accommodation options from cabins to camping out.. All types of fishing are available – bait, lure and fly.

With the tough summer and small amount of rain, the rivers have been particularly tough, so a number of us have taken the opportunity to focus on lake fishing……and it’s been pretty productive if you happen to there at the right time and employing the right techniques, even for the shore-based angler.

One location which boasts terrific opportunities for the shore based angler is Buckenderra Holiday Village. Buckenderra is roughly 30 minutes’ drive from Cooma NSW. The shoreline at Buckenderra has all the right stuff to attract feeding trout: If you are not into fly fishing, you can certainly do bait or lure fishing in the lakes and rivers. Kayak and boating are also available on the lake.

Please join us for a weekend of socialising. It’s up to you if you come for two or one night or a day trip. Claude is organising and the CAA trip registration address will be emailed to members.

Cancellation considerations: If the weather is crappy Claude said he won’t be going. He will make the call for himself on Wednesday prior to the trip. As this is largely an independent activity, you are most welcome to continue your trip!

NSWCFA Miniconference 8 Mar

Breaking News: the slot titled ‘guest speaker’ has been confirmed as Luke Pearce from NSW Fisheries Threatened Species Unit.

You are invited to a NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers ‘Fishing for the Future’ mini- conference

The NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers is conducting a one-day conference, ‘Fishing for the Future’, to be held at Gaden Trout Hatchery, Jindabyne, on Saturday 8 March 2025.

The conference will start at 9.00 am and finish mid-afternoon, leaving a few hours for socialising or fishing.

What’s it about?

The conference is about fishery and habitat management to sustain our recreational freshwater fishery.

Speakers will include people from the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers, the Monaro Acclimatisation Society, Gaden Trout Hatchery, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (the Federal government’s fishery body), NSW Local Land Services, Upper Murrumbidgee Demonstration Reach. We’ve had one last-minute speaker withdraw so that slot is now ‘to be advised’.

Speakers will present, discuss and answer questions on their roles and work.

The venue

Gaden Trout Hatchery is hosting the event in their new Visitor Information Centre, and the conference will conclude with a tour of the new facilities at the hatchery, personally guided by Mitchell Elkins, manager of the hatchery. Gaden Trout Hatchery is a few minutes out of Jindabyne on the Kosciuszko Road.


The cost is just $30 per person. That covers coffees, morning teas and a sandwich lunch. This small charge is just to confirm that you are genuinely interested and does not cover the actual cost of the event—the NSWCFA is footing the bill for the balance.

You must register

You must register by responding to The venue is only able to accommodate 50 people, so please register ASAP to ensure a seat.

Walk-in registration is NOT available on the day, as we have limited seating and pre-arranged catering for 50 people. Don’t turn up with your fishing mates or partner expecting to get a place. It just won’t happen!

To register and pay

Simply reply to this email to register and also make a payment to the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers Westpac account, BSB 032040, Account No 259507. Put the word “GADEN” and your name in your payment details. We will email you to confirm your registration.

Coming for the fishing?

Both Jindabyne and Eucumbene are fishing well this summer, so bring your gear.


Email us at or call NSWCFA Past President Peter Gibson on 0425 211 313.

March Tantangara Trip Reshaped

21-23 Mar to Buckenderra Caravan Park. Message from Claude:

Due to the dry conditions and generally challenging river fishing conditions due to the hot / dry summer, I have changed the date and location of the ‘Tantangara Trip’ to ‘Buckenderra – Lake Eucumbene Trip’. The fishing will be primarily lake based unless folk want to travel to the local rivers. There are plenty of shore based fishing opportunities however you will need a 4WD if you want to travel further afield along the lake edge (to the cattle farm area). This trip allows you to engage in all types of fishing in one day…boat fishing if you have one, fly fishing as much as you like, lures when you get tired or frustrated and bait fishing with a rod bell as we sit around the fire on the waters edge at night……or any other combination.

All accommodation options are available. Please express your interest if you want to share a cabin and I will try to coordinate – please note, that if you cancel your shared accommodation at late notice, normal club etiquette is to offer your part of the fee to other members. I will be camping.

NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers Jan Newsletter

Has been released, available here. Key topics:

  • Snowy Monaro Council has advised the local water supply is free of PFAS contamination
  • OzFish looking to start a Snowy Monaro chapter.
  • Facebook group for NSW women anglers
  • Petition to NSW Parliament in regards to access to NSW National Parks. Available to NSW residents only.
  • Some people were being advised that their fishing licence fees had been paid to RFA of NSW rather than the Recreational Fishing Trust Fund
  • Update on the development of a NSW recreational fishing peak representative peak body
  • Recall on some inflatable life jackets.

RFA of NSW Jan Newsletter

Has been disseminated and available here.

Key topics:

One Item of Tumut News

CAA normally doesn’t provide advertisements (except for recognising our tackle shop supporters, especially when we get mate’s rates for raffle prize acquisition) but this post is mainly an announcement rather than advertisement. There was some sad news when we heard Tumut River Brewing Company was going out of business. It has often been a Saturday evening option in our annual Tumut event; next year 16-18 May (thanks Stefan).

The good news now is they are reopening! so we may be OK this year after all.