Category Archives: Archive

Fly Tying Demo at Compleat Angler – 21 Jun

CAA member Evan, in his ‘Createafly’ persona, will be giving a demonstration at the shop 6:00PM to 8:00PM.

All the info including images is here but suffice to say:

The flies look interesting. Wet flies suitable for winter Trout fishing

BYO vice to tie along with Evan.

Free sausage sizzle if you get peckish.

What more do you need to tempt you!

The night will be free to attend, however the store insist that you call in advance to book on 6239 1323.

Compleat Angler Canberra – Update

(Key update – more fly related stock has arrived from Hardy and …. my memory fails me but another well known brand 🤔 Airflo?)

Nathan is back in town and has been recruited as the fulltime manager of the new Compleat Angler Canberra. It is in the previous WetSpot shop at 16 Wollongong St, Fyshwick (their sign will be replaced by a Compleat Angler soon). The shop is also selling Hobie kayaks etc and offering servicing for kayak owners.

One thing has changed. The shop will be supporting CAA for raffles etc, but individual discounts via club membership won’t be offered. Instead individuals will be getting bonus credits with each purchase through an individual loyalty plan. Nathan can explain fully when you drop in. The credit amount depends on what you buy but my recent experience was that mine was around 10%.

Survey for fishers in the Snowy Monaro region

NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers has brought to our attention this survey.  It is being conducted to inform Snowy-Monaro Regional Council about recreational anglers and their engagement with their sport in the region.  You are encouraged to take part.  This is a real chance for you to have your say and influence Council.  It took me 10 minutes.

Click here.

Anglers Access Website

DPI have been (slowly) developing a website to provide information to anglers of access to waters across NSW. Check it out the prototype:

NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers has been pursuing DPI for advice in its further advancement. Seems to me that despite lots of dots on the map, the underlying information remains quite thin.

Any comments placed on this CAA News Blog post via ‘reply’ will be forwarded to CFA. (Don’t forget to annotate your reply with a name that you are happy to have published on the Internet)

Sale at Anglers Art – Update

Update from Lyall:

There are still amazing bargains to be had at The Angler’s Art in Phillip. (Pratt’s Tackle Box has closed its doors for the last time).

At The Angler’s Art in Phillip they have put together grab bags of fly tying material at fifty percent off the usual prices and all fly lines have been consolidated at Phillip at bargain prices. You will regret it if you don’t get these bargains NOW.

You might like to pop in for a bargain or see it as supporting Doris.

Gaden Trout Hatchery – Tri Annual Report – Jan-May 2019

We received from MAS two reports from Gaden. The routine Tri-annual and a special report on the fish kill at the hatchery.

Steve Samuels remarked “Happy to say the hatchery met all our stocking targets, so a big thank you to them for their hard work during this awful event.

The fish kill report shows the effort taken by hatchery staff. I understand they denuded all stocks of bagged ice in Jindabyne at the time. The infrastructure projects referred to look very encouraging.

Gaden Report Jan-april

fish kill report- gaden

Trout Strategy Update 2019

In consultation with stakeholders, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has prepared a snapshot of the NSW Trout Strategy (attached) to ensure the enduring future of the recreational trout fishery.

Following on from the NSW Trout Strategy Workshops which were held mid-last year, NSW DPI will be conducting further informal workshops. The first of these meeting was held at Gaden Trout Hatchery on the 10th of April and we will now be holding further workshops in the New England and Central Tableland areas. This is a great opportunity to meet DPI staff and for anglers to hear about new and ongoing great research, enhancements to hatcheries, stocking and management arrangements and DPI/ angler communication. The event will begin with presentations from management and research staff after which anglers can see demonstrations on research techniques such as tagging, electrofishing and participate in further discussions.

Workshops will be held at the

L.P. Dutton Trout Hatchery (Point Lookout Road, Ebor NSW) on the 25th May 2019 from 2:30pm- 4:30pm

Black Gold Motel Wallerawang (Lithgow,) on the 15th June 2019 – from 2:30pm to 3:30pm and then on Lake Wallace 3:30pm to 4:30pm for fish stocking and scientific display

Registration is required in order to help with workshop seating and catering purposes. To register your interest at either of the two events above contact Jo Merritt via email

or phone at the Hume Fisheries Office on 02 6051 7760.

If you have any feed back or questions on the on the Trout Strategy Snapshot feel free to email

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