wow – after 3 odd months, some progress. Attendees got the following email plus the report at bottom.
Please find attached the consultation report arising from the trout strategy workshop meetings and on line survey held during May / June.
The workshops provided a great opportunity to meet with the trout fishing community of NSW. We very much appreciate the input provided by participants at the workshops.
The workshops and broader consultation provided a wealth of feedback about the current state of the trout fishery in NSW, the range of threats to the sustainability of the fishery and proposed strategies for addressing future challenges.
The next step is to draft a trout strategy based on this public feedback. We look forward to working with you in future to determine how best to manage the various challenges facing the industry to ensure a sustainable future for this important fishery.
If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Jo Merritt, Hume Fisheries Office, Department of Primary Industries on 6051 7760 or email
NSW DPI Fisheries_Trout Report_Aug 2018