Category Archives: Archive

CAA Native Fish Scoring – Update

(I was having some troubles with our web page uploading new material – now fixed)

You will recall that we use a calculator to determine the relative merits of Native freshwater fish for our Natives trophy – the argument being that different species are inherently different in length and so Murray Cod would potentially win the trophy every time.  The calculator basically gives a score between 1% for a fish that is exactly legal size and 100% for a fish that matches the ANSA record for that species.

Of course, new records are made all the time, indeed a new record was set for Murray Cod during 2017-18 – accordingly our calculator is periodically updated.  The 2018-19 Calculator is now in our “Club Process” section and can be reached directly here

Survey on Environmental Flows in ACT

My ever vigilant wife spotted a fish related matter in the Chronicle. The ACT Govt is looking for community consultation on environmental flows. Clearly they have an impact on fish habitat but have to be balanced with other needs. I seem to recall our last water drama was partly caused by misjudged releases.

Have your say at

You might care to copy any comments you have to the Secretary in case CAA puts together a club submission.

RecFish Alliance (NSW) June Newsletter

This has just arrived and can be viewed here.

Apart from repeating some items from the CFA newsletter there were only a couple items of keen interest to me:

Alvey Reels to stay in production after all

New Crown land management laws from July – not sure what the consequences of this are but it seems the state government have delegated management to local councils. I wonder if visibility and anglers’ voice will be impeded. More examination by a Burley Line cub reporter is needed, though the article does say:

A Community Engagement Strategy, which outlines requirements for engagement on key Crown land dealings such as licences, leases and sales, will also start on July 1.

“Communities throughout NSW will have the opportunity to be more involved in decisions on how Crown land is managed,” Mr Toole said.

NSW Council of Freshwater Angling June Newsletter

Arrived too late for Jun Burley Line but is available here.

One interesting item from Gaden Hatchery Tri-Annual report: “5,000 heat treated larger fingerlings” (rainbows) “were available and released into Googong Dam for potential increased survival rate with redfin.

The newsletter has two topical articles on the National Carp Control Program and the recent proposed legislation to protect brumbies in the Kosciuszko National Park.

Photograph by members of Monaro Acclimatisation Society show the bottom photo shows stream bank damage and siltation in Mosquito Creek