Category Archives: Archive

Important News for Those Who Fish NZ Back Country

The proposed changes have come about. Admittedly it only effects a small number of rivers and small sections at that, but the changes are significant. The latest Fish and Game Newsletter had a snippet:

A heap of Designated Waters Licences have also been sold.
The Designated Waters system has replaced the Backcountry system and is designed to see Kiwi anglers get a fairer share on some of the waterways that Fish & Game’s research has shown are subject to too much pressure – around two per cent of the country’s rivers.
The new licence category will help us manage angling pressure by spreading angling effort around so that it isn’t concentrated in certain areas, which detracts from the angling experience and also has the potential to negatively impact the fisheries.
Over the past ten years, Fish & Game has received increasing complaints from resident and non-resident anglers regarding overcrowding in a small number of fisheries that will now be managed through the Designated Waters Licence.
Our research and monitoring show that a small percentage of non-resident anglers will intensely fish in a local area, putting pressure on the fishery and displacing other anglers. We’ve implemented this new fisheries management tool to help address that imbalance.
In some fisheries, angler use has gone from a roughly 50:50 resident-to-non-resident split (in the early 2000s) to an 80:20 split favouring non-resident anglers. In most cases, pressure-sensitive fisheries, now managed through the Designated Waters Licence, share common features. The rivers have very clear water, offer excellent sight fishing, hold large average-size trout, have high scenic value, and are often located in a wilderness or backcountry setting.

These Designated Water Licences are only available for those with a Season Licence. I’ve not been able to see the authoritative cost/conditions but this article by South FlyFisher may be correct.

For those who frequent Southland the only Designated Water is the Upper Oreti. More information here.

Post AGM Stuff

The AGM will be fully reported in the next Burley Line including our new (slightly changed – congratulations Ryan!) Committee, however there were some other important outcomes.

The 2023-24 program on the member’s card has a few errors so our Secretary will be emailing out a corrected program. I think the 2023-24 program on our website is correct, but I’ll amend it if Secretary’s email has any differences. The website program has incorporated the planned flytying schedule. Both are always subject to change, but any changes will be promulgated.

With the start of a new ‘trophy season’, the ‘rate my catch’ calculator has been reviewed. The calculator is the basis for comparing our different natives species for the Keith Shield trophy. It is based on DPI Fisheries legal minimum lengths and ANSA length records for line caught fish. Each are subject to possible change. As it happens there’s been none since we established the calculator in 2017.

‘Useful Links’ Page Revised

In these days of ChatGPT and ever more powerful search engines, ‘Useful Links’ pages have become a bit passe but good practice still behoves us to keep ours up to date.

I saw someone had followed the link to a NSW Government link, but when investigated I found the link was broken. This has prompted me to reconfirm and fix all the links.

Our ‘Useful Links’ page could do with an entire revamp, but I’ll leave it to another day. Meantime, if you identify something that would be an ongoing resource to members, please send them to the Burley Line address on our home page.

RFANSW Newsletter June 2023

Available here. Key points:

  • RFA’s meeting with Minister Moriarty
  • NSW Trout Strategy – some notes from a brief on the current draft
  • 2023 Winburndale Trout Muster – relocate several hundred brown and rainbow rrout from the Winburndale Dam and the stream above, to the Mill Pond at Portland

Bondi Forest Lodge 4-6 Aug

BJ has confirmation that we are booked in at Bondi Forest Lodge 4-6 Aug. He has a placeholder for 10 people but could go higher if greater interest arises.

Check out
Single and double rooms avail, depending on numbers. Full facility kitchen and fridges. Fireplace and stocked pond. Two person boat will be available for rotational use

We are hoping to run the 120 minute challenge (tie a fly with supplied material then go catch a fish).

Contact BJ …. details will come in email from Lyall

If the link doesn’t work, download these files

Federal Senate Investigation into Feral Horses

Report due 29 Sep

MAS has made a submission to the Federal Senate committee study into feral horses. Background to the study and access to the submissions including MAS’ are accessible via