Category Archives: Cooking

Member contributed recipes

Truite Au Bleu

Hey Bill

I told you of the blue trout, I had always wanted to cook a fresh caught at Tumut.

Well I had made a “court bouillon” in preparation and took it with me to Tumut, or more correctly Meg had made it for me, but I did not plan the execution too well (no fish to cook while camping) and brought it back so…….

I just went to the markets and for $8.50 bought a trout (albeit dead ☹ ) and had it cooked for lunch. The taste even then was spectacular and makes me want to do it streamside even more sometime,

The following is a translation from a French wiki entry, and refers to the same process but with slight variance, uses wine and such

“Blue trout refers to a culinary preparation of trout drizzled with hot red wine or vinegar, then cooked in a court-bouillon composed of red wine or vinegar, onions, salt, lemon. The recipe is cited as early as the 17th century by Nicolas de Bonnefons, in Délices de la campagne [ 1 ] , and it applies to salmon, pike, carp and trout.

In order to best benefit from the subtleties of the original taste of this wild-caught product, the trout can be prepared “au bleu” .

When cooking, the vinegar turns the mucus from the trout scales , which will take on a bluish tint, hence the name of the recipe.

For example, it is served with a vegetable Bordeaux sauce, court broth, lemon and melted butter … “

The photo of the fish in the pot is mine, the other with garnish is a clip from the Internet.

En Guete/Bon appetit


Cooking – Smoked Trout and Horseradish Spread with Dill and Sage

Lyall has provided this recipe – I presume he is not talking about fly tackle when we uses the term ‘Sage’, though he can’t help himself but to slip the logo in :).  Some introductory notes to entice you to read further are below, full recipe here; Smoked_Trout_Horseradish_Dip_with_Dill_and_Sage

This is another version of smoked trout dip taken from 101 Trout Recipes.  The wasabi-style horseradish should be added teaspoon by teaspoon so that smoke does not come out of your ears after you have added too much!!!  You may wish to add powdered Cajun seasoning to complement the horseradish zing.


Recipe – Eucumbene Trout Farm Smoked Trout Pizza

Lyall visited Peter and Karen Cottrell at the Eucumbene Trout Farm a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t realised that they have a fantastic family style restaurant there which specialises in trout dishes and can be paired with excellent wines if that is what you like. Peter was kind enough to send Lyall their Smoked Trout Pizza recipe so he thought he should share it with our friends in Canberra Anglers’ Association.

Smoked Trout Pizza