In amongst all this COVID slowdown, there has been a recent announcement by NSW DPI that might have slipped under the radar. The make up of the new Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFFTEC) has been revealed. Apologies for my freshwater focus, the saltwater equivalent (RFSTEC) has probably changed too. These are the forums that examine bids for use of the money coming from our NSW “Fishing Licence” fees. They are subordinate to the Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) which has a direct advisory role to the Minister for Primary Industry on fishing matters.
As part of the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers, CAA had a voice in RFNSW and RFFTEC via our good friend Steve Samuels (Pres MAS and Vice President in NSWCFA for our region) and in RFFTEC by Peter Gibson (NSW CFA non-executive Committee Member). Both of these folk were members of those bodies as individuals in their own right, but could be counted on to act as a conduit to ensure a connection to recreational anglers especially those affiliated to CFA.
While Steve remains on RFNSW, he no longer acts as the RFNSW representative on RFFTEC. Also, Peter Gibson is no longer on RFFTEC. This is a bit disappointing as they are both excellent representatives.
The current “NSW recreational fishing organisation representative” is a Mr Peter Johnson of NSW Rod Fishers’ Society. While NSW Rod Fishers’ are affiliated to NSWCFA, Mr Johnson is not currently their delegate and not on the NSWCFA committee. We look forward to seeing NSWCFA engage with Mr Johnson to continue the connection with RFFTEC.