Fish kill, Black lake near Bombala

From Steve Samuels. President MAS

You may be aware that about 2 weeks ago the Monaro Acclimatisation Society received reports of a fish kill at Black Lake Bombala.  We liaised with NSW Fisheries and as a result I share with you the outcome of their analysis of the event (below in italics).  The MAS will keep an eye on the lake and if / when things improve we will work with Gaden Hatchery to stock it again.  While the lake has been used recently for motor boat activities it is inconclusive if these activities contributed to the fish kill.  In other seasons when the lake is full such activity has taken place without a fish kill, but we will monitor the situation.

NSW DPI Fisheries is aware of fish kill at Black Lake today affecting 100-200 Rainbow Trout. DPI Fisheries Officers have inspected the lake, and the suspected cause of the event has been attributed to critically low dissolved oxygen generated by rotting organic material from recent flooding of the lake foreshore.

Also, I would like to thank you all for the support you offer to the Monaro Acclimatisation Society and on behalf of the Executive of the MAS I wish you a merry festive season and good fishing.

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