Fly Tying – 25 Nov 2020 – Flat Wing Deceiver – Materials and Notes

A short update. Mike noted in the comments that Micky Finn had spoken about this fly for local natives during a session at Compleat Angler. JQ has done some research and pointed me to

JQ said “Mentioned deceiver but not flat wing..The flat wing just presents more of a lateral line of the fly.”

I’ll try to hunt out some images of Micky’s. Meanwhile here are three that JQ provided. After the event I hope I’ll be able to add some photos of those tied on the night.

From JQ:

Hope you’ve all had a chance to read up or YouTube the fly to see what you’re in for. A definite staple fly to have if fishing in the tropics for pelagics, and I am confident in the right colour and size, natives, king fish and Aussie salmon down your way will be all over this!

Attached is our ingredients with the exception of jungle cock and I’ve just substituted it with some stick on eyes, but if you jungle cock it then use it.

And colours of saddle hackle and buck tail.. Go nuts! The photo below of materials is just what I had on my tying bench.

Hook size too – entirely up to you. Guys here are tying 4/0 plus. And a quality hook should reduce the chances of getting straightened. Native flies you might go as low as size 1.

The blue length is heat shrink, not for shrinking onto anything but it will be used for pushing the buck tail back on its self rather than trying to do it by hand. A reasonable size straw will do good too,- I just didn’t have any. It’s got to be large enough to go over the eye of the hook that’s all..

More info with links to YouTube are here.

keyword wetfly streamerfly

3 thoughts on “Fly Tying – 25 Nov 2020 – Flat Wing Deceiver – Materials and Notes

  1. Mike Kingston

    Should have been to one of the Complete Anglers fly tying nights. Micky presented the “flat wing deceiver” tyied in several sizes and color combinations for cod, yellow bellies, and other local species. Granted this was after the main presentation. Great night.

  2. bill Post author

    Mike, did you have a go yourself afterwards? Would be interesting to compare the fly designs. Any secret clues on optimal local colours/retrieves? Photos? 🙂 I wonder if it could be modified for trout.

  3. bill Post author

    Oh … one other … I need to get onto Nathan and enquire why this wasn’t on their Instagram feed 🙂

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