Lachy was lead and advised:
Hook – Long shank lure or streamer – I use TMC 5262 or a Gamakatsu SL45 Bone Fish in size 8-10
Bead – Silver 3.3 tungsten cyclops, or medium silver bead chain eyes
Thread – Black 8/0 / 70 Denier, 50 Denier Nano Silk/GSP also works very well
Tail – Black marabou
Tail flash – Silver Krystal flash or Flashabou
Body – Medium silver tinsel chenille
Rib – Small/Brassy silver wire
Hackle – light coloured or grizzly cock hackle. Hen cape feathers also work well. Slightly longer and softer fibres.
Looking forward to enjoying the tie and a wee dram.
Keywords wetfly streamerfly