I had thought this would be a rather thin edition – how wrong I was. Seems there’s a number of us who have been out and about even Al getting into trout down south (report held over from last month). Many thanks to our contributors. I would welcome articles from everyone for our next edition – can you get the stuff to me by 25 July please?
So … inside we’ve got a report on some Victorian trout river fishing (Al exploring his new domain), Roger provides a report based on his presentation to the June meeting (the start of his round the world bike ride), Ian giving us a feel about his regular winter sojourn at Burrum Heads, a short report from JM on long service leave up north (forgot his go-pro so no fish imagery), finally, yours truly and JQ test out some swaffing in Cairns.
Got an interesting article come into my in-box on sharpening up your casting. Be interesting to see Lyall’s opinion, but I’m going to try the “Slip-Lift” Pick-up. In due course I’ll put an item in our Beginners blog … indeed the newsletter used to have a small, irregular, segment on ‘tips’ provided by members for members. I’ll slowly upload those into the Beginners blog too – note that the title perhaps is misleading, there’s a lot there for everyone of every skill level.
Everyone would have seen the email from Lyall about next year’s program. Still a work in progress it seems though I’ve already seen that one more event has been confirmed. So folks please step up and propose an event, and hopefully offer to lead (it is not an onerous task if we spread it around).