Has been disseminated and available here. https://us5.forward-to-friend.com/forward/preview?u=aaffdffaded2e86f449aa94b9&id=9158d04591
Key topics:
- Some people were being advised their licence fees were being paid to RFA rather than the Recreational Fishing Trust Fund.
- Status report on the proposed NSW recreational fishing ‘peak body’
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Accessible fishing platform online map
- Petition to NSW Parliament in regards access to NSW National Parks – closes 21 Mar. Click here. https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lc/Pages/epetition-details.aspx?q=MMAqfeL-Ih-3c3QW5JyrcQ – only available to residents of NSW
- Facebook page for women who fish in NSW https://www.facebook.com/groups/nswwomeninrecreationalfishing
- Recall on certain inflatable life jackets https://www.productsafety.gov.au/search-consumer-product-recalls/3f-single-point-manual-inflator-model-no-v96000-in-life-jacket-solutions-and-marlin-life-jackets
- Rock fishing safety tips http://www.safefishing.com.au/