Closing Roads in Lower Cotter Catchment

Some of may have spotted an article in the Canberra Times.

“At the moment there’s two dead ends in the southern part of the catchment that have been hot spots for anti-social activity,” Mr Daines said. “This will just move them back to the main road. It won’t limit people’s access to the catchment.”

We can relax. Enquiries through Access Canberra provided a reassuring response from Nick Daines, Manager, Lower Cotter Catchment

When we were planning the changes, we wanted to make sure people could still access Vanity’s Crossing …keeping the general public on side, especially recreational fishers, is important to us.

The gate I was referring to in the article is on the eastern side of the crossing (which we find people don’t park at very often as it is already a long walk to get to the crossing). So that gate will move around 1km up the road to the intersection of Pipeline Road. However, the gate on the western side, which most people park at as its only a few hundred metres walk to Vanity’s Crossing, will remain where it is. So still plenty of access for fishing.

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