Category Archives: Newsletter

The Burley Line, the monthly CAA newsletter

October 2024 Burley Line (Issue 205)

Cover photo shows Jayden’s son Harrison showing off his catch at the recent Gaden Hatchery kid’s workshop – more on this later.

Many thanks to Owen who sent me his photo during his trip to Sri Lanka – I couldn’t figure out which one was him.  Also, thanks to Randy for his report from the US.

Our premier public event with off without a hitch, though a little less wind would have been handy.  Some new members have signed up and look keen.  Also had a number of non-financial members rejoin the fold.  If you haven’t paid up your subscriptions for 2024-25, remember that you aren’t covered by our public liability insurance – please progress payments.

Greg S has been busy trawling the web for interesting fishy stuff and quite a large offering this month – thanks.

If you are submitting an article, it would make it a little easier for me if you use the template – no real worries if you don’t.

September 2024 Burley Line (Issue 204)

Paul Mc the cod whisperer strikes again at Bondi – what a magnificent fish albeit very much in the wrong spot (Easterly flowing catchment).  Paul also reports in about Black Lake.

All the news from the AGM with a ‘newish’ committee and trophy awards.  President’s speeches are here.

Stefan reports in from Western Australia – with some success shown.

Lachy’s session with the humongous was quite a success with a goodly number showing up and with 3 tying variations on the theme.

Don’t forget about the annual fly casting for the public – a flyer is included here for your use.

August 2024 Burley Line (Issue 203)

This has become quite a fulsome edition.

Young Ryan has been very active – a substantial part of this issue! 😊 I also have to apologise to him, back in March he sent me a report on fishing during a Victorian trip.  This had fallen between the cracks multiple times – finally here, along with his recent trip to the south coast.

Lyall provides some information coming out of his contacts in Mongolia.  He’s got the inside knowledge post multiple trips he’s done there.

Greg S has been focussing on ‘giant’ things recently and shares them with us.

Lachy has been experimenting with various ties using a recently purchased pheasant.  He reports here on some success.  Images from recent CAA fly tying also.

A bit of science on trout.

JQ enticing us to head north.

Fly Casting is just around the corner and our flyer has been released.

July 2024 Burley Line (Issue 202)

The streams are closed and our formal program has ended.  Already we are starting to look towards the AGM (thinking about joining the committee or council? – you’ll be most welcome), the ever enjoyable Bondi Forest trip (no smoking fireplace nowadays) and Casting for the Public – how quickly a season goes.

This issue is dominated by photos – this will bring a smile to one of our members who embraces the visual aspects of the newsletter.  Some excellent late season rainbows, overseas travel and images from our distant, northern, chapter – but gazumped for the photo of the month by Ryan’s stonker.

I’ve also made some changes to our fly tying information base – hopefully making it easier to use as a resource to inspire those fur and feathers folk.

June 2024 Burley Line (Issue 201)

Sponor’s – thanks Lyall

After a few weeks in Malaysia and Europe this cooler weather has come as a bit of a shock – not assisted by Lyall’s beautiful image above.

Reports here of our past two events – looked to be very successful and I’m as jealous as get go that I missed them. Well done Al for the dry fly show up in the Brindabellas.  Stefan has produced another of his thoughtful pieces, along with a new recipe.  A couple of superb late season fish from Paul

The club goes into a bit of a slow down from the perspective of events during this cooler weather, but surely there may be some of you have been up at the spawning run – share some news with the rest of the club. Also, if you have an idea for an event, eg Damien’s ‘Back to Buckenderra’ of years gone by, please come forward.

April 2024 Burley Line (Issue 200) – updated

Bless my hard-working President, he’s updated the April Newsletter to include his Tantangara report – many thanks mate.

There may not be a May edition, so “Coming Events” are a little more extensive than usual.

We’ve got our usual entertaining mix here.  Paul describes a recent back country trip – topical given that Trev gave a monthly meeting looking at the most appropriate gear to take.  Some images from our fly tiers along with some late submissions of photos from our Jan/Feb trip to Jindabyne. Stefan has written on our forthcoming May trip, plus some observations about the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers Interclub Meet.

March 2024 Burley Line (Issue 199)

Two groups from CAA have recently visited NZ, and as I type one more is heading there.  Enclosed here is my report, Claude’s will follow next month.

The Jindy trip gave quite diverse results, though all agreed the Saturday was tough fishing – the bright blue skies had the fish hiding and not coming up to a rise.  Still a most enjoyable trip and highly recommended for next year’s program.

Some more good links from Greg S, plus much activity with MAS identifying trout stocking sites in some iconic Monaro streams in light of the discovery of threatened natives.

January 2024 Burley Line (Issue 198)

Apologies for the mixup. It was pointed out that I had omitted some important material. Updated newsletter now uploaded.

Since our Christmas barbq the club has been understandably quiet.  We hope your Christmas and New Year went well.

Our cover shot this month is our little friend from the North – we’ll make a dry fly fisherman out of him in due course.  More of this inside.

Many thanks to Greg S for his contribution – the videos he finds are always entertaining.  I’ve got a report here on the somewhat controversial stocking of Trout Cod in one of our favourite rivers. Ryan has had some success – if you don’t already do so, consider following him on Instagram.  A report on the club carp event is here – was fun for those who participated.  Two reports from Tumut, though a little bird tells me that Lake Eucumbene is going off at dusk too – mudeyes seem to be the fly of choice after dark replacing caddis during the day.  Finally, an excellent report from Claude, BJ and Travis on Yaouk fishing.  Great to see they had success on dry, especially the black spinner that was the subject of a recent fly tying night.  So good when these self-tied flies bring home the goods.  Roll on the hopper next fly tying.

With my Membership Officer hat on … there’s still a few, what I would call ‘regulars’, who haven’t paid their 2023-24 subs.  Note that public liability coverage when on CAA events is contingent on being a financial member.

December 2023 Burley Line (Issue 197)

What can I say about Rod’s mulloway – hmm, I did man the net .

Well done to Ryan for organising an excellent event at Tuross – he even put on some perfect weather and lots of fish.  Little did he know that organiser responsibilities extend to assembling the trip report for Burley Line.

The shirt and cap sale was a great success, except for my poor arithmetic.  For those who missed out, the club does hold a few for sale – speak to BJ.  Claude and I are considering whether to follow it up next year with some fancy dye-sublimate shirts.  They are all the rage up North and maybe we could follow suit.

Just a reminder here for the few members who have not paid up their 2023/24 subscriptions.  Recall that to be covered by our public liability insurance you have to be financial.  All the information on rates and how to pay are here.

We’re coming towards the end of the year and gives me pause to think – 2024 will be my 20th year producing this newsletter.  It has been a pleasure, but I will likely need some assistance next year due to family travels.  Anyone want to help out?

I probably won’t produce a January edition, but if you have some stories to tell, feel free to email them into me.  If there is enough copy I’ll put out a ‘holiday edition’, otherwise, my plan would be to put something out early February.

The December meeting by the lake will be the last until 14 February, but Claude will gather the keener anglers to chase the feisty carp on 14 January.  If I don’t see you at the barbeque, all the best for the festive season, take care on the road and don’t forget to slip/slop/slap.

November 2023 Burley Line (Issue 196)

Many thanks to those who provided words and photos.

A few reports here from Opening Weekend.  Seems that those who went up had some very good results – well done all.

Reports from Lyle Knowles shows the river is producing well, albeit a bit smaller than we’d like.

Peter has done well on local lakes too.  Lovely colour on that yellowbelly.

Ryan is set to take us to Tuross and Texas Mike has shared a view of some of his more successful flies for Tuross – very kind of him.  They look very different to the pineapple express nymph that John led us for Oct fly tying.

MAS has been busy again.  Their efforts with Snowy Hydro and Rec Fishing Trust to improve access roads around Snowy Lakes continues along with placing style to help us get over fences.  Peter and I got to put in some quite large ‘fingerling’ browns into selected sites on the Snowy River – a great day exploring these lower reaches.

A beaut YouTube video with some simple, but very useful, fly tying tips.  Have added to our Flytying and ‘tips’ blog.

Some entertaining and inspiring stuff in my ‘In Box’ this month. Lots of news, especially about brumbies in KNP.

I forgot to remind those last few that fees are due.