About the Klink n Dink Trout Fly
Thank you Shaun for bringing this interesting design to our attention. This fly is particularly useful for those of us that use barbless hooks and get frustrated when we lose our droppers.
The Klink n Dink is one of the Klinkhammer patterns that are excellent at bringing fish up, designed to be used as a dropper fly to be fished in conjunction with additional patterns on the same rig. The ring tied securely to the curve on the hook makes this easy to tie a tippet to, keeping the tippet away from the hook itself, thus preventing problems when hooking fish.
When fishing in tandem, this dry fly can be used as an indicator when fishing alongside a weighted or beaded nymph, and has the ability to catch fish on either of the fishing flies used, making it an increasingly popular method of fishing on either rivers or still water fisheries.
This is a great way to tempt fish that are feeding on nymphs higher in the water to rise to a dry fishing fly.
Creator of this trout fly: Malcom Anderson (?)
Country of origin for this trout fly: Scotland
This trout fly is designed to be fished on Dams & Reservoirs, Rivers & Streams, Still Water
- Hook: Klinkhammer style hook #12, #14, #16 (if you are game)
- Extras: 2mm tippet ring, 4X tippet. If you don’t have tippet ring you could use just the tippet
- Body: any dubbing, pheasant tail that you have and normally use for the klinkhammer
- Thorax: peacock herl, sparkle dubbing – normally dark colour
- Post: your choice of colour and type. You can even use some foam cut into a post
- Hackle: I’m not picky…what you have in your tying kit.
keyword dryfly emergerfly