Category Archives: Fly Tying

Instructions for monthly fly tying workshops and other material

Mudeye Tie Instructions – Wed 26 Feb 2025

By Ryan

First lay down a thread base then tie in a clump of marabou for the tail and some wire rib.

Tie in the latex back material and create a dubbing loop. Add dubbing.

Wrap the dubbing forward and tie in some mono eyes.

Fold the latex over the body and tie off behind eyes. (Leave material long for the actual tie)

Wrap the wire over in open spirals and tie off behind the eyes.

Tie in sili legs.

Add some dubbing and form a head, then fold remaining latex over and whip finish behind the eye.

The product


keyword wetfly

Fly Tying 27 November 2024 – Wulff Variants

Apologies, I should have uploaded this stuff to the fly tying blog as well as the newsletter for future reference.

Was led by BJ – working hard through the technical difficulties. The tie was Wulff variants. As BJ mentioned, it seems Lachy’s champagne cork is being the de rigeur fly mount.

BJ’s pre-night demo

Lachy’s: “Pretty average attempts me thinks… The calf hair was a pain so tried pink antron for the second wing. As you said BJ, keep practicing! I definitely think I need to”


Keywords dryfly

Fly tying 25 Sep 2024 – Micro Jig Streamer

Ryan took us on the journey.

Last one was tied by our newest member Xenii

Hook- #14 jig hook, I use the Hanak H430 BL
Bead- 3-3.5 mm slotted tungsten, copper colour
Thread- black for main thread, fluro orange for the collar
Body- SLF spikey squirrel dubbing, natural colours
Tail- bronze or brown mallard flank and some micro glint or flashabou, green, brown, gold or blue will work for combining colours

Keywords wetfly streamerfly

Fly tying 28 Aug 2024 – Humongous

Lachy was lead and advised:

Hook – Long shank lure or streamer – I use TMC 5262 or a Gamakatsu SL45 Bone Fish in size 8-10
Bead – Silver 3.3 tungsten cyclops, or medium silver bead chain eyes
Thread – Black 8/0 / 70 Denier, 50 Denier Nano Silk/GSP also works very well
Tail – Black marabou
Tail flash – Silver Krystal flash or Flashabou
Body – Medium silver tinsel chenille
Rib – Small/Brassy silver wire
Hackle – light coloured or grizzly cock hackle. Hen cape feathers also work well. Slightly longer and softer fibres.

Looking forward to enjoying the tie and a wee dram.

Keywords wetfly streamerfly


Fly Tying – 24 Jul 2024 – Saltwater Popper

John was the lead. His guidance:

The recipe for the saltwater popper – aka BNB (Bass N Brim) popper follows:
Hook: Tiemco TMC8089 #2-10
Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Slinky Fibres
Legs: Sili-legs over a ball of Hareline UV Dubbing
Body: 10mm crystal chenille with 2mm two tone foam cut with a Chernobyl Ant cutter
Indicator: 2mm Two tone foam, vibrant colour to suit.

This fly was designed by Brett Clarke who founded BWC Flies in 2012 and was featured in FlyLife, Number 81, Spring 2015

Some examples from our night:


Ryan glued his own twotone foam:

Keywords dryfly, emergerfly

Fly Tying 26 June 2024: Zonker Yabby

Ryan will be leading and has provided this ingredient list:

Size 4 streamer hook
Dumbbell eyes
Crystal flash
Sili legs
Orange poly yarn
Rabbit zonker strip
Crosscut rabbit strip

Colours are not too important, you can mix and match whatever you like.

He will take us through his pattern – I wonder if it is a similar process to this

Some examples from the night.



keyword wetfly streamerfly

Fly Tying – 22 May 2024 – Viva Magoo

From BJ, this guidance.

“Here’s the tying instructions and materials, courtesy of Craig Coltman:”

Many anglers are familiar with Vern Barby’s excellent fly, the Magoo, which we first described way back in 2016 FlyStream #12 – The Magoo – FlyStream. This pattern has caught thousands of trout since Vern created it in 1999.


Hook – size 10-12 Wet fly

Thread – Black 8/0 

Bead – 3mm copper bead, coloured chartreuse.

Tail – Black Marabou.

Body – Black/emerald Sparkle Dubbing. (If you can’t find this, substitute No 46 Spectra Dubbing and black rabbit fur, blended in equal proportions.)

Collar – Black hen hackle.

Tying Instructions

1.     Place the bead on the hook.

2.     Tie in a clump of black Marabou for the tail. I break it off to a length of 3cm for a size 12 hook, and 4cm for the larger size 10 hook.

3.     Dub the body.

4.     Tie in four turns of the black hen hackle immediately behind the bead.

5.     Whip finish.

6.     Scruff up the body dubbing with some Velcro to give the fly a more mobile, lifelike appearance.

If we have time we could visit the original Viva lure fly, as well have the colours.


Some examples from the night by BJ:

Original Magoo?

Keywords: wetfly streamerfly

Fly Tying 24 April – Parasol Emerger with Ryan

The Parasol Emerger is an intriguing fly pattern developed by Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer. It’s designed to imitate emerging insects and has proven effective, especially in spring creek settings.

As you can see from the images, the recipe is fairly simple:

Parasol Emerger Recipe:


Your own/favourite emerger recipe, eg:
Hook: Standard dry fly hook (size 14-18)
Thread: Fine thread (white or light color)
Body: Dubbing (match the color of the natural insect)
Ribbing: Clear or translucent tubing (e.g., monofilament)

Parasol Post: ‘Stiffish’ Monofilament or synthetic fibres (for the “puff” effect)

Keyword dryfly emergerfly nymphfly

Fly Tying – 28 Feb 2024 – Commonwealth Hopper

The Commonwealth Hopper is a highly ‘floaty’ hopper that is great as a ‘dry’ in a dry-dropper or just a dry when you are fishing on a river near grassland. The bonus is it is not too difficult to tie and it works!


Hook: Size 12
Foam cylinder – tan or yellow
Wing: Antron and Elk or Deer Hair
Green or Black thread for initial tie
Orange Fluoro orange thread
Legs – orange and black (or whatever you have in your tying kit)

Please contact Claude and BJ ( if you intend to be at our first club meeting and we will try to make up some tying kits.

Keyword dryfly