June 2024 Burley Line (Issue 201)

Sponor’s – thanks Lyall

After a few weeks in Malaysia and Europe this cooler weather has come as a bit of a shock – not assisted by Lyall’s beautiful image above.

Reports here of our past two events – looked to be very successful and I’m as jealous as get go that I missed them. Well done Al for the dry fly show up in the Brindabellas.  Stefan has produced another of his thoughtful pieces, along with a new recipe.  A couple of superb late season fish from Paul

The club goes into a bit of a slow down from the perspective of events during this cooler weather, but surely there may be some of you have been up at the spawning run – share some news with the rest of the club. Also, if you have an idea for an event, eg Damien’s ‘Back to Buckenderra’ of years gone by, please come forward.

Truite Au Bleu

Hey Bill

I told you of the blue trout, I had always wanted to cook a fresh caught at Tumut.

Well I had made a “court bouillon” in preparation and took it with me to Tumut, or more correctly Meg had made it for me, but I did not plan the execution too well (no fish to cook while camping) and brought it back so…….

I just went to the markets and for $8.50 bought a trout (albeit dead ☹ ) and had it cooked for lunch. The taste even then was spectacular and makes me want to do it streamside even more sometime,

The following is a translation from a French wiki entry, and refers to the same process but with slight variance, uses wine and such

“Blue trout refers to a culinary preparation of trout drizzled with hot red wine or vinegar, then cooked in a court-bouillon composed of red wine or vinegar, onions, salt, lemon. The recipe is cited as early as the 17th century by Nicolas de Bonnefons, in Délices de la campagne [ 1 ] , and it applies to salmon, pike, carp and trout.

In order to best benefit from the subtleties of the original taste of this wild-caught product, the trout can be prepared “au bleu” .

When cooking, the vinegar turns the mucus from the trout scales , which will take on a bluish tint, hence the name of the recipe.

For example, it is served with a vegetable Bordeaux sauce, court broth, lemon and melted butter … “

The photo of the fish in the pot is mine, the other with garnish is a clip from the Internet.

En Guete/Bon appetit


Fly Tying – 22 May 2024 – Viva Magoo

From BJ, this guidance.

“Here’s the tying instructions and materials, courtesy of Craig Coltman:”

Many anglers are familiar with Vern Barby’s excellent fly, the Magoo, which we first described way back in 2016 FlyStream #12 – The Magoo – FlyStream. This pattern has caught thousands of trout since Vern created it in 1999.


Hook – size 10-12 Wet fly

Thread – Black 8/0 

Bead – 3mm copper bead, coloured chartreuse.

Tail – Black Marabou.

Body – Black/emerald Sparkle Dubbing. (If you can’t find this, substitute No 46 Spectra Dubbing and black rabbit fur, blended in equal proportions.)

Collar – Black hen hackle.

Tying Instructions

1.     Place the bead on the hook.

2.     Tie in a clump of black Marabou for the tail. I break it off to a length of 3cm for a size 12 hook, and 4cm for the larger size 10 hook.

3.     Dub the body.

4.     Tie in four turns of the black hen hackle immediately behind the bead.

5.     Whip finish.

6.     Scruff up the body dubbing with some Velcro to give the fly a more mobile, lifelike appearance.

If we have time we could visit the original Viva lure fly, as well have the colours.


Some examples from the night by BJ:

Original Magoo?

Keywords: wetfly streamerfly

Fly Tying 24 April – Parasol Emerger with Ryan

The Parasol Emerger is an intriguing fly pattern developed by Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer. It’s designed to imitate emerging insects and has proven effective, especially in spring creek settings.

As you can see from the images, the recipe is fairly simple:

Parasol Emerger Recipe:


Your own/favourite emerger recipe, eg:
Hook: Standard dry fly hook (size 14-18)
Thread: Fine thread (white or light color)
Body: Dubbing (match the color of the natural insect)
Ribbing: Clear or translucent tubing (e.g., monofilament)

Parasol Post: ‘Stiffish’ Monofilament or synthetic fibres (for the “puff” effect)

Keyword dryfly emergerfly nymphfly

April 2024 Burley Line (Issue 200) – updated

Bless my hard-working President, he’s updated the April Newsletter to include his Tantangara report – many thanks mate.

There may not be a May edition, so “Coming Events” are a little more extensive than usual.

We’ve got our usual entertaining mix here.  Paul describes a recent back country trip – topical given that Trev gave a monthly meeting looking at the most appropriate gear to take.  Some images from our fly tiers along with some late submissions of photos from our Jan/Feb trip to Jindabyne. Stefan has written on our forthcoming May trip, plus some observations about the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers Interclub Meet.

Burley Line Template

Claude suggested that I might upload a template for Burley Line newsletter. That way people making contributions can send in documents using fonts etc that the newsletter employs. Indeed, maybe there are some budding co-Editors who’d like to have a go at producing a full edition in the event that I’m away.

If you find it too hard, don’t worry. I’m more interested in getting good newsy stories than having them formatted in the standard fashion.

NSWCFA Interclub Meet and Raffle

Stefan is unable to promote and lead a team to the Meet, but everyone might consider entering the raffle. I’ve bought my ticket.

For those who can’t get links in the pdf to work (like on my tablet 🙂

Event info:

Register: https://www.sydneyflyrodders.com.au/event-5637081
Book accommodation: https://www.sydneyflyrodders.com.au/event-5637115
Buy raffle tickets: https://www.sydneyflyrodders.com.au/Raffle-tickets

MAS Busy Seeking Answers

Monaro Acclimatisation Society has recently written to three authorities.
1. NSW Minister Moriarty, seeking advice on what actions, other than trout stocking changes, are being implemented to support the Roundsnouted Galaxia
2. The Federal government Threatened Species Scientific Committee, to learn more about the submissions used to declare the Roundsnouted Galaxia as Endangered.
3. To DPI trout researchers, to explore the impact on trout food chain from water level changes from Tantangara being used for pumped hydro


NSWCFA March 2024 Newsletter

Has arrived and accessible here


Top items are:

  • Import tariff on fishing reels to be cut
  • Plibersek puts NSW on notice over feral horse numbers
  • Recreational fishers blind-sided by NSW Fisheries stocking ban – Steve Samuels resignation letter
  • The Big Trout to be repainted
  • Yabby Trap Round-Up: swap your old opera house yabby traps for an Oar-Gee Plow lure
  • Recreational fishing body for NSW