I got an email the other day that reassured me that my efforts here in Burley Line have some value, but perhaps that some other aspects of the CAA communications might need revisiting: “the Burley Line is the most touched aspect of the club….I’ve never been to the beginner part of the website…but I read every BL.” Burley Line comes out monthly but our on-line presence is much more than that. Our website hosts a number of resources – much of it is embodied in our Blog …. hmm, that’s just a fancy name for a collection of snippets (posts) which we’ve uploaded onto the Internet (you’ve seen ‘posts’ before when you went to download Burley Line, but we post up lots more informative material). The ‘Beginner’ section referred to is one, though it has now been renamed ‘Tips’, but there a number of different segments that you can browse or search (Places to Fish and Cooking are two in particular that I reckon are well worth cruising through). The posts idea also offer you an opportunity to upload comments and questions. Plus, you can (like around 50 have done already) register to get an email notification when new posts are uploaded. Read about how to use our blog here.
For this issue, thank to Claude for his EuroNymphing tip. Not sure I’ll be using it mate, 🙂 but I’m sure many in the club will benefit. Jason continues to have us jealously looking north, this time some fish photos. Talking about fish – Stuart seems to travel even more than Lyall, currently in the USA. Nathan and Compleat Angler may have been re-branded but his support for CAA and fly fishing generally is unchanged. I’ve put in two articles in relation to two organisations that CAA are affiliated with.
Here we are in August, which means our AGM is just around the corner. This is a ‘must-come’ event. Get along and acknowledge those folk who have earnt the various trophies. Of course an AGM also means hearing how the club has fared over the year and the election of a new Committee. Don’t be worried that you’d be shanghaied for a job, I’m sure the Committee have identified at least one person for each job, but everyone is encouraged to put their hand up for a position. Being on the Committee is a rewarding experience and new ideas are always welcome.