Author Archives: bill

RFA of NSW, Nov Newsletter

Arrived tonight. Available here

Mostly saltwater or already covered by NSWCFA November Newsletter except:

  • Animal Welfare Reform. The NSW Parliament is considering a wide ranging bill with implications for recreational fishing. NSW residents can review the proposal and consider signing a petition seeking it be stopped.

NSWCFA November Newsletter Issue

Just arrived. Key items:

  • Pink Up Windamere is a fishing comp to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation, on 1st & 2nd April 2022. It will be based at Cudgegong Waters Park, Windamere Dam.
  • NSWCFA submission on KNP Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan
  • DPI are conducting 2021-2022 Survey of Recreational Fishing
  • Article on ethics of catch-and-release versus killing fish
  • Native fish breeding kicks off at Narrandera Fisheries Centre
  • Season closure and other offences in the Snowy Mountains
  • Recent meetings of the NSWCFA

November 2021 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 173)

Following on from the ‘photo of the month’, we’ve got a story about trout season opening on the Cotter from Luke and Nathan – just missed getting in last month, thanks guys.  Seems you’ve been up there with success again since that report – shame I can’t emulate unlike my guru Peter – story and photo here.  With the relaxation of restrictions on us traveling into the ‘border bubble’, I’m hoping to get more stories from all of you arriving on my desk for next Burley Line.

Held over from last month, we have the segment taking a bit of a “Retrospective” of CAA for the past 17 years.  Thanks JM for this suggestion.

With my Membership Officer hat on – yet another reminder that fees are due – go to ‘join us’ to update your contact details via the webform or simply email me.  Please note our new bank account numbers (these were changed last year), they are given on the “join us” page.  So far 30 of you have signed up including one new member (welcome Travis) – means 17 from last year remain to renew.  Amongst other benefits, CAA has again acquired a Public Liability Insurance policy.  This will support financial members in the event of a member of the public seeking compensation due to an incident during an official CAA club event.  This coverage commences in November before our first event for the season.  Life Members are covered automatically even without payment of fees.

Fly Tying 27 Oct 2021 – Daddy Long Legs

Via Zoom.

We will be tying the Daddy Longlegs.  It is useful for loch style fishing dapping or as a dry fly or as a wet fly attached to a gang of three.  It is equally useful on moving water or still in our region.


Hook: Size 10 dry fly hook

Body: Pheasant tail and a brown hackle to palmer around a gape and a half length, fine gold wire

Legs: knotted pheasant tail

Wings (optional): grizzle hackle points

Hackle (optional): same brown hackle

The legs are fiddly to tie so you may wish to tie six of them in advance. See

keyword dryfly wetfly streamerfly

Oct 2021 NSWCFA Newsletter

October Issue has arrived. Top items:

  • Animal Welfare Reform – sign the NSW Parliament E-Petition I think only available to NSW Residents. This proposed legislation would have significant impact on angling.
  • Have your say on Warragamba Dam the planned raising of the dam wall has potential impact on upstream rivers
  • Successful application for rainbow trout redd mapping project the RFFTEC (the dudes who manage the trust fund that manage licence fees) has approved a project to explore mapping trout redds – you can’t manage things you don’t understand. This will feed into the research supporting the trout strategy.
  • Two items relating to the management of wild horses in KNP.

October 2021 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 172)

When drafting this I was going to start with “there’s precious little fishing going on at the moment” but right before publication time Claude, BJ, Al and Shaun provided some opening weekend copy – many thanks guys.  The other major contribution came from Stefan – he of the traveling A-Van – reporting on his returning to a childhood haunt in Queensland.  As ever, Stefan’s words are thoughtful and his photos enticing. In anticipation of a small issue, I prepared a segment taking a bit of a “Retrospective”.  Thanks JM for this suggestion.  It was a lot of fun looking back through the archives.  Jaime is gracing the front page – Eucumbene late season 2020 but I’ll hold back the article itself  till next issue.

Other items are a report on the flytying 22 Sep – welcoming back Evan via Zoom from Victoria, plus Claude helping me out with notes from the 8 Sep talk by Mickey “Finn” – some really useful hints on fishing the Tumut and other matters.  Meanwhile there’s been lots happening on social media and members have been actively hunting items for inclusion here – many thanks folks.

The current lockdown has put paid to our traditional casting for the public days – a real shame to have been impacted in that manner after so many years.  I understand the Committee are closely watching the rules and intending that it be a postponement rather than a cancellation – fingers crossed folks.  The uncertainties and the proposed future rules have also cause postponement of our annual Lyle Knowles trophy – see the Committee Notes inside here.

I ran across two lure spinfishers on Lake G and they reported a 50cm yellowbelly for their efforts … I may need to break out my gear and get down there.

With my Membership Officer hat on – another reminder that fees are due – go to ‘join us’ to update your contact details via the webform or simply email me.  Please note our new bank account numbers (these were changed last year), they are given in this newsletter.  So far 28 members have signed up again (welcome home Greg W!) – means 19 from last year remain to renew, plus hopefully some new members – spread the word folks.  Given the postponement of the casting days, new members may be thin on the ground for a while if we don’t do some word of mouth.