Author Archives: bill

MAS Busy Seeking Answers

Monaro Acclimatisation Society has recently written to three authorities.
1. NSW Minister Moriarty, seeking advice on what actions, other than trout stocking changes, are being implemented to support the Roundsnouted Galaxia
2. The Federal government Threatened Species Scientific Committee, to learn more about the submissions used to declare the Roundsnouted Galaxia as Endangered.
3. To DPI trout researchers, to explore the impact on trout food chain from water level changes from Tantangara being used for pumped hydro

NSWCFA March 2024 Newsletter

Has arrived and accessible here

Top items are:

  • Import tariff on fishing reels to be cut
  • Plibersek puts NSW on notice over feral horse numbers
  • Recreational fishers blind-sided by NSW Fisheries stocking ban – Steve Samuels resignation letter
  • The Big Trout to be repainted
  • Yabby Trap Round-Up: swap your old opera house yabby traps for an Oar-Gee Plow lure
  • Recreational fishing body for NSW

MAS and NSWCFA Correspondence With Federal Environment Minister

Readers may be aware that stocking of trout in the Snowy-Monaro has been impacted recently. This has come from the NSW DPI Fisheries’ response to a federal decision to declare the Roundsnouted Galaxia as an endangered species.

MAS was not included in the Federal decision making and has written to the Federal Minister expressing concerns. Her response has been received and it raised further questions.

It is clear this matter, and similar ones raised with the NSW Minister Moriaty are not resolved.

NSWCFA are also entering into this debate.

Rather than publishing all this correspondence here, you can read it on the relevant websites. Note that letters to Ministers etc are embargoed for a time to allow them to respond.

MAS News

NSWCFA Correspondence

March 2024 Burley Line (Issue 199)

Two groups from CAA have recently visited NZ, and as I type one more is heading there.  Enclosed here is my report, Claude’s will follow next month.

The Jindy trip gave quite diverse results, though all agreed the Saturday was tough fishing – the bright blue skies had the fish hiding and not coming up to a rise.  Still a most enjoyable trip and highly recommended for next year’s program.

Some more good links from Greg S, plus much activity with MAS identifying trout stocking sites in some iconic Monaro streams in light of the discovery of threatened natives.

NSWCFA Interclub Meet

On April 5-7 the Interclub competition will be held in Wallerawang,
organised by Sydney Flyrodders Club.  Attached is all the information
you need.  All Affiliates are encouraged to participate – lots of
prizes, not just for fly.

CAA should consider donating something to the prize pool.

Wallerawang, hmmm, Lake Wallace …. site of tiger trout trial stockings
– could be a real draw card.  They tell me they are voracious.

Tiger Trout Research

At the NSWCFA OGM today the meeting discussed a report in relation to stocking of Tiger Trout into various waters.  DPI have been conducting a trial of stocking Tiger Trout into waters where trout are being predated upon by redfin.  The Tiger Trout are envisaged to be less susceptible to predation by redfin, but also to contribute to control of redfin by their own predation of the redfin pest.

NSWCFA are seeking advice from DPI on their observations, however seek your assistance in a piece of ‘citizen science’.  Would seek observations by you on any evidence of Tiger Trout predating on redfin from any Tiger Trout you might take home.

The Tiger Trout experiment has been on for a while now. Lake Lyell, Thompson Creek Dam and Lake Wallace (Lithgow version) have received them already

The Tiger Trout experiment has been on for a while now. Lake Lyell, Thompson Creek Dam and Lake Wallace (Lithgow version) have received them already


Fly Tying – 28 Feb 2024 – Commonwealth Hopper

The Commonwealth Hopper is a highly ‘floaty’ hopper that is great as a ‘dry’ in a dry-dropper or just a dry when you are fishing on a river near grassland. The bonus is it is not too difficult to tie and it works!


Hook: Size 12
Foam cylinder – tan or yellow
Wing: Antron and Elk or Deer Hair
Green or Black thread for initial tie
Orange Fluoro orange thread
Legs – orange and black (or whatever you have in your tying kit)

Please contact Claude and BJ ( if you intend to be at our first club meeting and we will try to make up some tying kits.

Keyword dryfly