A number are closed, though note that fishing (and boating) are considered seconday activities and have a more relaxed control.
A number are closed, though note that fishing (and boating) are considered seconday activities and have a more relaxed control.
Boss Outdoors is a very generous supporter of CAA. I’ve seen the occasional video fishing report by Nathan and I’ve missed a trick in not promoting them. They are quite professional and come out weekly reporting on local conditions. Nathan has brought old Pratty’s reports back to a new channel.
Here is this week’s report on Rainbow Lake and nearby Sponar’s Dam.
You should consider subscribing yourself to the channel, or wait for CAA News blog to notify. Looking at their archive there’s a lot more to watch.
Next Meeting
12 Feb – first meeting for 2025. Normal time of 7:30 at Raiders Club Weston. Christopher Cvitanovic of UNSW will be presenting on his research (and hoping we might participate). He is examining:
Next Activities
21-23 Feb Jindabyne for lake and river fishing co-ordinated by Bill – put your bids in now, only 14 beds available.
26 Feb Fly tying via Zoom 7:30 – fly to be determined – maybe cod. Materials list will appear elsewhere in news in due course.
CAA normally doesn’t provide advertisements (except for recognising our tackle shop supporters, especially when we get mate’s rates for raffle prize acquisition) but this post is mainly an announcement rather than advertisement. There was some sad news when we heard Tumut River Brewing Company was going out of business. It has often been a Saturday evening option in our annual Tumut event; next year 16-18 May (thanks Stefan).
The good news now is they are reopening! so we may be OK this year after all.
The saltwater trip to Tuross went off well – thanks Ryan for another well organised event. Reports and lots of photos here.
The Fly Tying on Wed 27th had some technical issues and ended up using WhatsApp video rather than Zoom. Video quality was not up to Zoom standards, but the outcomes still looked pretty good.
Greg S has submitted some gems from the Internet, plus some helpful words from Claude on releasing fish in good condition. I’ve added some stuff on Alan’s favourite Penny Knot and a simplifying graphic on angler rights in respect to the edge of streams (remember that this regulation has never been tested in court, and we should maintain good relations with landowners, it is basically the same as our backyard regardless of the technicalities of the law). All of which prompts me that I really need to get up to date with our Tips collection.
Finally, three CAA members who are also members of the Queanbeyan branch of MAS successfully stocked some streams south of Captain’s Flat. Here’s hoping they do all right.
If you are submitting an article, it would make it a little easier for me if you use the template – but no real worries if you don’t.
A full report in next Nov 2024 Newsletter, but on our way home we did strike a problem.
Goodonya team, especially Owen with the handsaw and Claude’s skilful driving.
Our email server has been blacklisted by, and ie the Microsoft services.
Anyone with an email address on those servers will likely not receive emails from anyone with an address that ends “”.
We are working to restore services but are not confident. At this point other services like gmail, yahoo and internet providers don’t seem to be effected.
Owen showed me this the other day. It is three pages of images of flies (don’t believe the prices as the material is quite old) and we thought a useful resource for newcomers.
I’ll also provide a link to this in our ‘useful links‘ page
Red flashabou
Olive marabou
Fiery brown sealsfur body
Collar loopspun sealsfur with CDC
Orange sealsfur head
Keywords wetfly streamerfly
Some examples from the night:
MAS has passed around this presentation by Gaden’s Manager Mitch Elkins. Some really innovative stuff going on, and this is before the Snowy Hydro 2.0 growout facility is built.