Author Archives: bill

The Effects of Rainfall and Temperature on a Monaro Stream

Freddy von Reibnitz originally published this paper in the Journal of the NSW Rod Fishers’ Society – a very prestigious and exclusive fishing club. The article was subsequently published in the Newsletter of the ACT Fly Fishers where I was able to read and appreciate the significant analytical work therein. It appears here for Canberra Anglers Association through Freddy’s generosity. I hope that others will benefit from the knowledge that has been extracted and presented here.

The analysis provides a mathematical and robust consideration of long term rainfall and air temperature data.  The findings are quite sobering to say the least.

The impact on the trout fishery is a major element of DPI and MAS research.  It is also instructive to consider some of the research into mitigation that the Victorian fisheries authorities are undertaking.

January 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 175)

Well I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year celebrations – seems some people even managed to get out fishing. Well done to Al, big walk turned out to be quite successful as folk will read here. I’ve heard whispers about others using midge pupas but can’t confirm. The rivers seemed to be blown out to a significant extent, so it is fortunate that I get some good reports about the Snowy Lakes.

The Carp Day was to be a relaxed affair, but it seems to condition of rivers has deterred anglers – maybe some folk went into the spirit of the affair chasing the fish on local lakes – meantime, recall that our carp trophy is not linked to a specific event. Report in your catches to the Secretary (and for info Burley Line Editor) for inclusion in consideration.

Reminder about the need to register interest in the Jindabyne trip – has always been a most enjoyable trip and hopefully the change in date will get us onto some good dry fly opportunities. Jason M was good enough to head down to East Jindy and provided a brief recce report on the accommodation.

Speaking about Jasons – JQ reported in about the latest arrival in his family.

I’ve included a very interesting article, previously published elsewhere, analysing rainfall and temperatures in the Kydra/Kybeyan – many thanks to Freddy von Reibnitz for this work.

Also here are some other interesting snippets and, as usual, pointers to items that have been posted on-line in our News blog and Facebook page.

NSWCFA January 2022 Newsletter

Read it here. Top items are

  • Thousands of trout tagged and released in Burrinjuck and Blowering dams
  • Khancoban trout stocking. Noting that similar stocking has been done in our region by Queanbeyan Anglers Club and Goodradigbee Acclimatisation Society
  • Floodplain harvesting policy becomes law
  • Animal welfare policy in New South Wales Inquiry

RFA of NSW December 2021 Newsletter

Arrived today. Read it here. Some very interesting news, especially about recent activity in respect to potential impact on fishing from Animal Welfare considerations in NSW Parliament:

  • Animal Welfare Reforms  – The ePetition aimed at stopping the review process “Animal Welfare Laws are about to change in NSW.” has closed for signatures and has been presented in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Roy Butler. The ePetition received 22,656 signatures and has been sent to the NSW Government for a response. As the ePetition received more than 20,000 signatures, it will also be debated in the Legislative Assembly at 4 pm on 24/03/2022.
  • Minister Marshall asks Standing Committee on State Development to inquire into the State’s animal welfare policies and laws
  • Minister replies to RFA of NSW letter ‘I can assure you, the NSW Government will not ban activities such as fishing or hunting.’
  • Minister Marshall issued a media release saying the government will oppose the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Aquatic Animal Recognition) Bill 2021
  • Fillet Fish Australia
    A great reference site for anyone who wants to enjoy their fish with maximum quality and minimum waste.

December 2021 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 174)

BJ’s joy shows the local trout fishing can rival other more famous locations – congratulations mate and thanks for the notes, even if the specific site remains super secret.

As always, Jason has stood up and helped with some interesting content, and thanks also to Randy (stuck down the coast and I’m aware a recent injury is preventing access to the water).

Claude continues to make space in his busy work schedule to run the Zoom fly tying – a pretty simple but effective variant of a well-known fly was November’s topic.  His flies certainly look the part.  Thanks for some notes here Claude.

Also here, some important news from our associates in MAS and NSWCFA – great work being done there.

Fly Tying 24 Nov 2021 – Royal Wulf variant – Effective on the Cotter

Claude hosted on Wednesday 24 November demonstrating a Royal Wulff Variant.



Claude was particularly keen to tie some Royal Wulffs after seeing one of our new club members, Al, catch double digit (numbers of) rainbows on one Royal Wulff fly on a recent Cotter River outing. Not having time to go down the fancy white calf tail route (if you can find it) and wanting to do some quick ties, Claude decided to experiment with a not so complicated “Royal Like Wulff’ dry fly pattern, not using any calf tail or hackle and just going for a Elk Hair wing…and while he was there….he wondered if not having a tail matters? He tied a number of versions that were tested the following weekend. Well it was successful…with fish being caught on multiple variants – EH tail, Crystal flash tail, and no tail….the fish were not monsters but still fun to catch.




Dry fly hook of size that you feel comfortable tying

Dark thread – 8

Peacock herl or dub

Red thread, dub or floss

Elk Hair

The three flies tied by Claude on the night. (Ed: I’m ashamed to say mine are very poor and not available for viewing by the public )

keyword dryfly