Author Archives: bill

Controllers of the Use our NSW “Fishing Licence” Fees

In amongst all this COVID slowdown, there has been a recent announcement by NSW DPI that might have slipped under the radar. The make up of the new Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFFTEC) has been revealed. Apologies for my freshwater focus, the saltwater equivalent (RFSTEC) has probably changed too. These are the forums that examine bids for use of the money coming from our NSW “Fishing Licence” fees. They are subordinate to the Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) which has a direct advisory role to the Minister for Primary Industry on fishing matters.

As part of the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers, CAA had a voice in RFNSW and RFFTEC via our good friend Steve Samuels (Pres MAS and Vice President in NSWCFA for our region) and in RFFTEC by Peter Gibson (NSW CFA non-executive Committee Member). Both of these folk were members of those bodies as individuals in their own right, but could be counted on to act as a conduit to ensure a connection to recreational anglers especially those affiliated to CFA.

While Steve remains on RFNSW, he no longer acts as the RFNSW representative on RFFTEC. Also, Peter Gibson is no longer on RFFTEC. This is a bit disappointing as they are both excellent representatives.

The current “NSW recreational fishing organisation representative” is a Mr Peter Johnson of NSW Rod Fishers’ Society. While NSW Rod Fishers’ are affiliated to NSWCFA, Mr Johnson is not currently their delegate and not on the NSWCFA committee. We look forward to seeing NSWCFA engage with Mr Johnson to continue the connection with RFFTEC.

CAA and Zoom Internet Video Conferencing

CAA have had one meeting (complete with Powerpoint slides and movies) and two fly tying instructions (thanks Evan for instructing and Lyall for the technology). Zoom has proven very useful, high quality and easy to use.

There has been some bad press about this application, but members should rest assured that much of this is overblown sensationalism. A recent review puts the matter into a more balanced perspective.

I’ve updated my ‘Beginner’s Guide’ but also we’ve discovered that a microphone or camera are not actually required for people who just want to join, watch and listen.

Why not give it a go and stay connected to the club while we wait out this virus.

CAA Virtual Fly Tying Wed 22 April 2020 – Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph

Our last virtual fly tying night with Evan from Create-A-Fly was so successful that we asked him to host it again on Wednesday 22 April … and he kindly agreed.Evan tied the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph which is one of the flies in the Fly Fishers International Bronze Fly Tying Award

The required materials are listed below:

  • Hook: #10 1X Long Nymph hook, 1xL

  • Weight: 10-15 turns of non-lead wire

  • Thread: 8/0 Black Uni-Thread or equivalent

  • Tail: Guard hairs from hare’s mask

  • Rib: Gold oval tinsel over abdomen

  • Abdomen: Blended lighter tan hair from the hare’s mask (or Hairline Dubbing # 4, Hare’s Ear – or equivalent)

  • Wing Case: Mottled turkey tail feather over thorax

  • Thorax: Blended darker brown hairs from the hare’s mask (or Hairline Dubbing #5, Dark Hare’s Ear or equivalent

keyword wetfly nymphfly

NSW – Travelling to fish isn’t on

Fishing might be an approved activity in NSW but NSW Police have issued a warning about travelling distances to go fishing.

The situation whether fishing is an acceptable outdoor activity in the ACT is not clear … one member, rod in hand, has already been warned to get out of a Canberra park. We’ll keep you updated as we pursue the matter with local MLA Tara Cheyne.

The firm direction from NSW Police is here.

April 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 154)

Well, what a situation we find ourselves in now.  Restrictions on gatherings have impacted on our program, while many of our members have either found themselves in: self-isolation due to international travel (our thoughts go out to Ian and Stuart … anyone else?) and now being asked to keep travel away from home to essential.  Not clear if going fishing would fit within the rules.  As a consequence, this issue is quite light on with club news with wrapping up from events from ‘before the virus really hit’ and a report on our first toe in the water of virtual connection.  My aim with Burley Line will be continue each month as a means of staying connected in this new, socially isolated world.  Any contributions or suggestions for topics will be appreciated.

Our next big innovation is shaping up to be our first effort at conducting a CAA meeting, complete with slide show, over Internet video conferencing.  This proved quite successful at our test run with fly tying last month.  The technology is relatively simple so please give it a try – one hint, keep your microphone muted unless you are actually talking to the meeting; background noise can be quite disruptive to the audience

CAA is Moving Towards Virtual

After a successful Internet video meeting for the last fly tying – thanks Claude, Evan, Lyall and others in the background – CAA is considering using this technology for meetings given the pressure to reduce social contact (plus Raiders are shut). The next Burley Line (imminent) will have a short article.

The package we used is called Zoom (becoming very popular now), though we have a continuing interest in one called jitsi (Google the term ‘jitsi meet’).

To help novices, I’ve prepared a small how-to Beginner’s Guide to Zoom. This will show you how to prepare your computer and some basic instructions on how to participate. Limited personalised assistance can also be provided. All you need is a camera and microphone on your computer. Never fear, no need to sign up and give away personal information.