Author Archives: bill

Conditions Ease in Kossie

Thredbo resort may be open but restrictions and warnings are still there

People in the areas of Shannons Flat, Yaouk, Adaminaby, Providence Portal, Anglers Reach, Old Adaminaby, Rocky Plain, Eucumbene Cove and surrounding area were advised to monitor conditions.Canberra Times

I’m sure everyone will take care and check the RFS website as part of their preparations.

NSW Roads and Maritime Safety Program

The planned program for the South Coast has been deferred, unsurprisingly, due to the bushfire disaster. If you have interest in the hand in of flares or inflatable life jacket tests keep an eye out on their website. I’ll try to stay on top of it. Firstly, boaters can safely dispose of their out of date distress flares at locations along the New South Wales Coast. Locations may be viewed at the NSW Maritime website via this link. They are also conducting inflatable lifejacket self – service clinics at locations along the New South Wales Coast. Join these clinics to be guided through manufacturer’s self-servicing requirements to ensure that yours is compliant and works when you need it most. Locations may be viewed at the NSW Maritime website via this link.

Christmas 2019 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 151)

This turned out to be a surprisingly large edition.

This month we have both a story from the President (thanks mate) but also one about him – Lost and Found.

Many thanks to Lyall for his comprehensive report on the World Championship – reads like a thriller except with pictures.  Thanks also for Stefan’s very thoughtful piece on the recent Brogo trip – more and more this proves to be very worthwhile event, but watercraft seem to be the go.

This will be the last edition that Jason Q is involved with.  Can I publicly acknowledge all the assistance he has given me, not least is picking up entire editions when I thoughtlessly make myself absent.  He has been a great asset to Burley Line and will be sorely missed.  If anyone would like to step into that void, discuss with him what it involves and drop an email to the burley-line address

Meantime, don’t be surprised if I ply you with a beverage in advance of asking you to volunteer to help.

Congratulations to those who stepped up to help out at the sausage sizzle at the Compleat Anglers First Birthday celebrations.  Unfortunately I was interstate and fully committed.

Finally, the story of ‘Stumpy’, our cover photo this month.  I was lucky enough to be invited for a few sessions fishing with local angling legend Steve Samuels.  His skills extend past fly fishing to soft plastics.  There we were on Mallacoota’s bottom lake, Steve calls the fish a good size looking at its head shaking, but when netted, it was revealed to be undersized!  Clearly some pelagic likes flathead tails as much as me. I should have noted in the edition, Stumpy went back into the water to fight another day.