Author Archives: bill

November 2019 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 149)


The emails have been few and far between in the Editors Inbox, so I can only assume everyone is out living the dream!

This is a great edition; we have more great articles even a special one from around the globe and spectacular pics of the most recent outing- Lyle Knowles on  the Cotter River.  Thank you for the contributions, I hope you enjoy the content.


Many thanks to Jason for largely putting this together in my absence.  Thanks also from both of us to Greg for his report on Scottish fishing.


CAA Events Calendar Change

There has been a change approved by the committee to the program for May 2020. I have corrected our events web page in accordance with Stefan’ advice:

For May 2020, the CFA Interclub is scheduled for 1 -3 May at Wallerawang, (I will be assisting with the event) and we should again try and entice a participant group from CAA; Fly Fish Aus will conduct their competition 9-10 May at Tumut; and

I will organise for 22 -24 May for a CAA club outing to the usual Tumut region.

This will give people a weekend either side to pursue fish in other environs before the close-of-season bash on 8 June (Queens birthday) as well. Plenty of time to fish!

October 2019 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 148)

There was an omission in the original version and JQ has amended the item on casting to recognise the efforts of Nathan.

Bill This edition is a truly combined effort. I’m away at the moment and JQ has stepped in to finish the edition. CAA events have been limited to our annual fly casting lessons for the public. There’s also some items extracted from our News Blog … amazing video of the brown trout spawning run from underwater. So that we don’t totally get withdrawal symptoms, Shaun has provided some instructive notes after his recent sojourn in UK. Some good lessons learnt and now shared.

Jason Thanks for the opportunity to finalise the October edition, the perfect edition right before NSW Trout Opening. ‘Juicy’ is the best word for this edition; it contains lots of great articles and something to interest every angler. I hope you enjoy it, and as always, please consider sending through your fish photos with a sentence or two. Share, share, share! Tight lines and remember to look out for those ‘wriggle’ sticks.. JQ


Snowy Hydro 2.0 Environmental Impact Statement Open for Comment

Got this from MAS:

As you will be aware the Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc has been negotiating with Snowy Hydro for a Recreational Fishing Offset (RFO) to compensate anglers for the possibility of Redfin Perch and/or the Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (EHNV) being pumped into Tantangara Dam when Snowy 2.0 begins operation. An important part of the approvals process being undertaken by Snowy Hydro is the development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

(Editor: For those of you who like summaries, the EIS is summarised here)

Snowy Hydro have released the EIS for public comment and it can be found at this link.
This EIS is very lengthy and has over 1,800 pages. The Executive of the MAS are going through the document and we will make a submission. To assist those out there wanting to make a personal or club submission we have skimmed through the document and have identified the following chapters as being relevant to the impact on trout from redfin / EHNV being pumped into Lake Tantangara.

  • EIS – Summary
  • EIS – Main Report Part 2
  • Appendix – G Mitigation measures table
  • Appendix – I Stakeholder engagement report
  • Appendix – M.2 Aquatic ecology assessment
  • Appendix – M.3 Offset strategy
  • Appendix – X.2 Recreational user impacts statement

One important thing to remember when reading this document is to understand that while mention is made of redfin and EHNV the scale of impact on trout has not been assessed. This is because the EIS is restricted to the impact on native species. However, reading through the document it will be noted that redfin/EHNV is of concern to the future of Tantangara Dam.
To this end the MAS will continue to negotiate with Snowy Hydro for the protection of the Tantangara trout fishery and we will continue to push for a strong RFO.
Steve Samuels
Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc

(Closes around end of Oct)