Author Archives: bill

More on the Local Macquarie Perch Recovery Effort

In the July Burley Line Peter provided some notes on the recent workshop he and Roger attended. There are now some additional notes from the Rivers of Carbon organisation (including more science says Peter). Lots of photos of the good work being done in respect to habitat as well as the workshop itself. They even got a few snaps of Peter šŸ™‚

The article provides links to even more information on the recovery program.

Closing Roads in Lower Cotter Catchment

Some of may have spotted an article in the Canberra Times.

“At the moment there’s two dead ends in the southern part of the catchment that have been hot spots for anti-social activity,” Mr Daines said. “This will just move them back to the main road. It won’t limit people’s access to the catchment.”

We can relax. Enquiries through Access Canberra provided a reassuring response from Nick Daines, Manager, Lower Cotter Catchment

When we were planning the changes, we wanted to make sure people could still access Vanity’s Crossing …keeping the general public on side, especially recreational fishers, is important to us.

The gate I was referring to in the article is on the eastern side of the crossing (which we find people don’t park at very often as it is already a long walk to get to the crossing). So that gate will move around 1km up the road to the intersection of Pipeline Road. However, the gate on the western side, which most people park at as its only a few hundred metres walk to Vanity’s Crossing, will remain where it is. So still plenty of access for fishing.

Citizen Science Supporting the Trout Strategy

Further to our recent post on trials of larger trout being stocked. I’ve received the following advice from DPI:

DPI Fisheries is releasing larger Rainbow Trout into selected waters to combat the negative effects of Redfin predation. We are requesting all information from recaptured tagged fish to be submitted via our online recapture form at This information helps determine growth rates and the sufficient size class capable of avoiding Redfin predation.

Here is a flyer with more information including the reward.

To see a full list of stocking sites in NSW, our interactive map can be accessed at:

Simply click on any of the green (River) or red (Impoundment) icons and the historical stocking data for each species will be displayed on a graph.

The waters where the tagged trout have been released are currently:

Khancoban Pondage
Oberon Dam
Lake Wallace (Wallerawang not Nimmitabel)
Lake Lyell
Carcoar Dam
Fish River
Duckmaloi River

July 2019 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 145)

Apologies, Luke has reminded me that I should have made one important point in the newsletter … the record of fish is only for interest and encouragement to get out and fish. It is not the official recording. Make sure your put your catches for the year in the green book that Lyall brings to meetings. Especially important with the July meeting being last of the trophy period.

This issue has an eclectic collection: Lyallā€™s ā€œJune Chillā€ trip report shows why more folk should get along to our events. Meanwhile: a solo JM reports on the Eucumbene on closing weekend; Peter and Roger got along to a UMDR workshop on the Macquarie Perch restoral efforts on the Bidgee and report from JQ on the FFA Nationals. Iā€™ve also extracted a learned article from a Kiwi colleague on the impact of fog on fishing ā€“ I wonder if Australian fog has the same effects. Finally, there is a bunch of new entries in the ā€˜longer term, non-CAAā€™ events, especially the kidā€™s workshops.

With our AGM coming up in August, Iā€™m expecting Lyall will want all trophies returned at the meeting or ASP. Iā€™ll try to remember to bring in mine.


Anglers Art has Closed

If you didn’t get there before now to catch a bargain, sorry you’ve missed the boat. Anglers Art is now officially closed.

CAA has had a long relationship with the late Dr Bryan Pratt not least due to his being a long term President and CAA Life Member but also the shop’s support to the club. We will miss their connection to CAA.

We wish Doris well for the future.

Anglers Art Philip

The word I got that it will close finally at the end of Jun is incorrect, but time remains short. Best get in before they do close. (A selection of the specials are appearing on their Facebook page – you don’t need to be on Facebook to read it)

Just dropped in myself today to find quite a bit still on the shelves, including fly tying material and flies. As Lyall remarked earlier “you might like to pop in for a bargain or see it as supporting Doris.”

Bredbo Landcare Event – 29 Jun 2019

Got this from Antia – urgent RSVP will be required (the notice says 2 day leadtime but that means today 🙄, I hope they will take late bookings).

The session is all about endangered plant species and associated citizen science. Mornos and soup for lunch provided.

Anglers Art – last days before it shuts finally

I hear the shop will close finally at the end of Jun. Best get in before then. (A selection of the specials are appearing on their Facebook page – you don’t need to be on Facebook to read it)

Lyall previously advised:

At The Anglerā€™s Art in Phillip they have put together grab bags of fly tying material at fifty percent off the usual prices and all fly lines at bargain prices. You will regret it if you donā€™t get these bargains NOW.

You might like to pop in for a bargain or see it as supporting Doris.

Fly Tying 26 Jun 2019 – CDC Caddis

John led us through this very pretty (and I understand very effective) fly. John tells me he didnā€™t see any Petitjean gear at Nathanā€™s new digs, however Troutlore has them in stock. JQ tells me they are worth the expense.

keyword dryfly