Author Archives: bill

Oct 2018 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 137)

JQ’s the editor this month:

Dear Members,

Bill’s provided me another chance at delivering you this month’s Newsletter and sadly as I put it together we received news of Life-Member Bryan Pratt’s passing. The club and fishing community will be a much different place without you Bryan. Thank you from all that you touched.

This newsletter is packed with high-res pics and great information. I hope you enjoy it. Good luck if you fish the opening season and see you all next meeting.



October Newsletter 0137

Vale Dr Bryan Pratt

It is with sadness that we have received news of Bryan’s passing.

Bryan was a long term member and ongoing supporter of Canberra Anglers. He served as president about 50 years ago and spoke about our second decade during our 60th anniversary dinner. CAA granted life membership in 2013 – a photo of him receiving the certificate is in the Sep 2013 Burley Line . A tribute piece is in the Canberra Times.

Bryan was a noted raconteur and his stories and ready advice will be sorely missed.

Membership Subscription is Due Now

The AGM has passed and subs are due. New and renewing members are encouraged to process their application using the web form. This also provides advice on e- banking account. Please contact Bill (either via his normal email or via the Burley Line link on our home page.

Fees remain unchanged at $30 normal membership, $10 juniors, $40 family and $10 concession (ie Age Pension, Carer’s or other Dept Social Services/Veteran’s Affairs pension)

Trout Strategy Workshops Consultation Report 2018

wow – after 3 odd months, some progress.  Attendees got the following email plus the report at bottom.

Please find attached the consultation report arising from the trout strategy workshop meetings and on line survey held during May / June.

The workshops provided a great opportunity to meet with the trout fishing community of NSW.  We very much appreciate the input provided by participants at the workshops.

The workshops and broader consultation provided a wealth of feedback about the current state of the trout fishery in NSW, the range of threats to the sustainability of the fishery and proposed strategies for addressing future challenges.

The next step is to draft a trout strategy based on this public feedback.  We look forward to working with you in future to determine how best to manage the various challenges facing the industry to ensure a sustainable future for this important fishery.

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Jo Merritt, Hume Fisheries Office, Department of Primary Industries on 6051 7760 or email

NSW DPI Fisheries_Trout Report_Aug 2018

Sep 2018 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 136)

Apologies for the six or so who have already read the Sep newsletter.  This is what happens when I don’t get my co-editor JQ and some-time sub-editor Luke to proof my work. Eagle eyed Luke found two errors, now fixed.

This issue covers our 2018 AGM with all the trophy results – well done to all awardees, but there is extra interest given we have four new trophies to compete for.  The new committee and council was elected and recorded here for those who couldn’t make it.  Many thanks to those who have stood up to help run the club.

For those who love photos of fish and happy anglers, there’s plenty for you in this issue – in particular some mammoth cod courtesy of Ash and impressive trout from the Bondi Forest trip.

Newsletters from external agencies like CFA are abstracted here.  It is refreshing to hear that NSW DPI has acted on their promise of embracing science in the management of trout.

The ‘Notable Fish’ board is back up and running – just remember to ensure that the fish are recorded in the official ‘green book’ if you want them considered for trophies.  By the by, there’s been a change to our native fish assessment tool.  Of course all of you who monitor the news on our webpage (or better still register to get notified each time something gets added) would have known about that.


CAA Native Fish Scoring – Update

(I was having some troubles with our web page uploading new material – now fixed)

You will recall that we use a calculator to determine the relative merits of Native freshwater fish for our Natives trophy – the argument being that different species are inherently different in length and so Murray Cod would potentially win the trophy every time.  The calculator basically gives a score between 1% for a fish that is exactly legal size and 100% for a fish that matches the ANSA record for that species.

Of course, new records are made all the time, indeed a new record was set for Murray Cod during 2017-18 – accordingly our calculator is periodically updated.  The 2018-19 Calculator is now in our “Club Process” section and can be reached directly here