Author Archives: bill

Fly Tying 28 Mar 2018 – Scruffy Dub Nymph

A simple straight forward tie… the thorax is the scruffy piece and the collar gives it a ‘lock on’ feature for the fish.

•Hooks – types various(jig, straight, caddis etc) sizes 12-18

•Bead – suit hook size – colour various

•Thread – colours various – 8/0 or 6/0 uni thread

•Wire – colours various – small (.6mm)

•Body – Various – stripped peacock quills, Hends body quills or tinsel mylar etc

•Thorax – colours and dub various. Hends Ice, Hends hares ear, seal-prism blend etc

•Collar – colour various but recommend a uv reflect (fluro orange, hot pink/ yellow, lime etc) size 3/0

•Sally Hansen clear top coat or a uv resin to lock down and bring shine to the collar.

Nothing special in this tie. Every fly we’ve covered in the past has a piece of material suitable to build this fly, nothing more to buy or hunt at a shop.

keyword wetfly nymphyfly

NSW Trout Strategy Workshops 2018

Our nearest one was on 17 May at Rydges Jindabyne.

  1. Trout-Strategy-Meeting-Agenda
  2. Trout-Strategy-Framework

I’ve received an email from Steve Samuels promoting attendance:

I encourage as many anglers as possible to attend these workshops. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for anglers to have an influential say in how our trout fishery is revitalized and secured for the future. To attend one of the workshops you must register, so please do it – don’t be complacent and leave it to others. We need good representation from all fishing disciplines – fly, spin, troll and bait – come along and help make our trout fishing future better.

Post workshop report in Jun Burley Line.

Fly Tying – 28 Feb 2018 – Royal Humpy

Claude has stepped up to instruct on his variants of the Royal Humpy style fly.

Claude has recently tied and tried a couple of versions of the Royal Humpy dry fly on one of Canberra’s local rivers. It proved successful for him and one of his fishing mates…who was considerably more skilled and consequently successful. A number of the fish were caught during blind casts rather than to rises. His mate has caught fish using it on a couple of occasions so hopefully the fish catchability of the fly was not a fluke!

The interweb tells us: “the Humpy trout fly comes in a range of patterns and colours: green, peacock, red and yellow. It represents a beetle or large flying insect and is a good all-purpose fly to prospect waters with. It is a useful indicator fly in the larger sizes. They are great summer time dry flies and produce fish consistently.”

Another site advised: “if you fish mountain streams that are bordered by forest, the trout will be used to seeing a multitude of terrestrial insects that continually rain from the trees. Ants, beetles and bees are often the staple trout foods in this situation. The Humpy is a great searching pattern.”

The traditional humpy, deer/elk hair and red thread takes Claude about 20-30 minutes to tie (he’s still a bit slow) so it may be a bit long to tie on one of our nights. The foam back, red dubbing body and aero wing (below) takes about 5-10 minutes less. The royal humpy can be tied in a variety of body colours using dubbing or thread.


  • Hook: 10-16 Dry Fly Hook (longer shank unless you’re a super tier) – I prefer 12 or 14
  • Thread: Uni 6/0 or 8/0 Black Thread.
  • Tail: Elk, Deer or Moose (hopefully one that doesn’t flare too much).
  • Wing: White Calf Tail or Aero Wing (I use pink AW just because that’s what I have).
  • Shell Back: Traditional (Elk hair), Foam – Brown foam. I have seen one website that recommends thin Computer Packing Foam.
  • Thorax: Numerous options: Traditional – Red Floss, Alternatives –Red Hares Ear, yellow, or any other bright coloured dubbings, Peacock Hurl, wool.
  • Hackle: Brown Hackle Feathers.

keyword dryfly

March 2018 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 130)

A little bit slimmer edition this month – more contributions please! A few names only appearing in the articles – aren’t the rest of you fishing 😁?

I hope your summer has gone along well. One wonders whether that huge deluge on 25 Feb has been good or bad for the rivers – certainly the temporary drop in temperature will please our spotted friends if not the natives. Speaking about natives, was great to hear that some were landed on our Feb Natives event – first time in an age. Well done Claude.

Observant readers will note that we’ve reverted back to the old style. Our talented co-editor and reformatter Luke is currently laid up ill. Hopefully he’ll be back on deck soon and I’m sure everyone will join me in wishing him ‘get well soon mate’.

Click on link below:


You wouldn’t believe it!!! @#$%^& CFA March newsletter just arrived after I uploaded !!! I’ll reserve the bulk to next newsletter, but you can check it out now:

There was one particularly interesting item from the Nov CFA Meeting notes:

  • NSW Trout Strategy – Jim Harnwell and Peter Turnell, Fisheries NSW

DPI’s Peter Turnell and Jim Harnwell stated that trout industry is very important to NSW, for example, in the Snowy region alone it is worth between $70 million to $100 million a year. Whilst some aspects of the trout fishery are doing well other parts need to be improved. Recently the Minister visited Gaden Hatchery and was made aware of some of the issues facing the trout fishery in NSW.

They acknowledged that at the urging of Steve Samuels, the NSW Recreational Fishing Advisory Council (RFNSW) recommended the development of a Trout Strategy for NSW. In response to this recommendation, Fisheries NSW representatives, in consultation with RFNSW among others, have developed a framework document which outlines proactive and innovative ways of reversing the decline of the trout fishery in NSW. Fisheries NSW is now organising consultations with anglers and angling groups to then refine the Framework. Meetings are planned for: Armidale on 1 May, Bathurst on 2 May and Jindabyne on 3 May. Attendees of these meeting will be asked to register by 6 April. They will be provided with a copy of the framework well before the meetings. After the meetings an external consultant will pull together and use the outcomes to produce a trout strategy.

Location Report – Idaho

During his recent foray into the US Pacific NorthWest, Lyall dropped into Idaho to break the journey. Looks a fascinating place and his report is below.

Many of us are getting concerned that his frequent travels may prejudice his access to an Australian passport!
