Author Archives: bill

Fly Tying – 22 Nov 2017

An evening that you can’t afford to miss… Evan of Createafly fly tying has agreed to host fly tying next week on Wednesday evening from 7:30 at Raiders Weston at 1 Liardet Street in Weston.

The theme will be “all those fly tying questions you were too embarrassed to ask”  so it will be a question and answer and demonstration session.  Please send your questions through to Evan so that he can prepare his answers and demonstrations.

My question is “Who was Mrs Simpson anyway and why is she known as a killer???”

Bring your usual fly tying equipment.

See you all there for an out-of-the-ordinary night!!!

Lyle Knowles

Apologies, I’ve just been reminded that our Events page (and our membership card) is showing the incorrect date for Lyle Knowles. Subsequent to the printing a decision was taken to shift from the one day event on Saturday and instead the event will be held Sun 22 Oct.

There was also some discussion about the determination of the winner given that in the past it was ‘best bag’. Committee has confirmed that the winner will be the longest (nose to tail) individual fish.

Gaden Hatchery Quarterly Report

We had earlier posted much of this information but now here is the official report.

Gaden Trout Hatchery Report June-oct 2017
For those unaware, Gaden Hatchery is generally the single source for DPI and MAS stocking of trout in this region. The situation last year was pretty parlous with few fishing running up from Lake Jindabyne. Gaden used to provide monthly reports, but to reduce administrative workload, they are now less frequent. The latest report passed to us by Steve Samuels is very positive. Not only were the runs, especially the browns, larger (Gaden was able to remove the fish trap much earlier allowing fish to run up the river and spawn naturally), but the number of stocked fish detected was very low meaning the ‘naturally bred’ fish were very much in the preponderance. The inclusion of Eucumbene fish into the Gaden stock sounds like a good idea for genetic diversity. Keep your eye out for the tagged ex-brood stock fish in Jindabyne.

All unwanted 2+ 3+ rainbow trout broodstock (230 individuals) have been released into Lake Jindabyne with an elastomer implant (pink) inserted near the left eye.

October 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 126)

A big issue this month – many thanks to those who have contributed words and photos.  Reports include the casting weekends, including our time on water, Lake Eucumbene continues to produce good fish, Thompsons Creek Dam continues to prove hard to crack.  CAA activities in Switzerland and Malaysia grace our pages this month. Gaden Hatchery reports a very successful spawning run.  Finally, the RecFish NSW newsletter has brought to our attention a very useful information source on stocking sites.

Hope you enjoy it and again many thanks to contributors.


 Apologies, the ‘Coming Events’ in this issue has the incorrect date for the Lyle Knowles.  A decision was taken after the membership card was printed to shift from the one day event on Saturday and instead the event was held Sun 22 Oct.

CAA Fly Tying – 27 Sept 2017 The Aero Emerger

hosted by Claude


Item Notes
Hook Tiemco 900 BL #16 – 18

Or 102Y #19

Thread 8/0 Uni thread – wine
Body Hare’s Ear
Emergent Wing Tiemco Aero Dry yarn (black or grey)


In Australia’s Best Trout Flies Revisited Pat Kennedy writes that David’s Aero Emerger has become his go-to fly whenever a hatch begins on the Mataura or its tributaries.  He notes that it rarely lets him down.  Suprisingly the black wing usually has excellent visibility, and seems to present a credible profile of an emerger dun.  When tying the wing, leave a small shoulder to suggest the wing-case of an emerging mayfly. Dub the body very sparsely so that it sinks when wet.  Prior to fishing, apply a small amount of floatant to the wing and shoulder only.

keyword dryfly emergerfly