Author Archives: bill

Cooking – Smoked Trout and Horseradish Spread with Dill and Sage

Lyall has provided this recipe – I presume he is not talking about fly tackle when we uses the term ‘Sage’, though he can’t help himself but to slip the logo in :).  Some introductory notes to entice you to read further are below, full recipe here; Smoked_Trout_Horseradish_Dip_with_Dill_and_Sage

This is another version of smoked trout dip taken from 101 Trout Recipes.  The wasabi-style horseradish should be added teaspoon by teaspoon so that smoke does not come out of your ears after you have added too much!!!  You may wish to add powdered Cajun seasoning to complement the horseradish zing.


Fly Tying 22 Aug 2018 – Crustacean Bugger

Flytying will be run by Shaun with his Crustacean Bugger – now known to be effective both locally and in Italy! Normal time of 7:30PM at Raiders Weston Club.
According to Lyall it looks like a trout slayer to and would be perfect for taking on the fat trout a few of us have been catching at Lake Eucumbene over the yabby beds recently. The materials list is below and Shaun’s full tying instructions will be available in hard copy at fly tying on Wednesday so BE THERE!!!
Shaun’s Crustacean Bugger

keyword wetfly streamerfly

Aug 2018 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 135)

This issue comes out just in time for our AGM.  Don’t be frightened that you’ll be shanghaied into a job if you turn up – lots of work would have been done to ensure there are people willing to sign up to be on the executive.  That said, becoming a part of that team is a great way to help shape CAA to provide what you believe is important for a club.  If you want to make a difference, come along and put your hand up.

Was refreshing to see how many showed up for the casting instruction at Uriarra Crossing. Many thanks to John and Lyall for the photos – here’s hoping that others in the club could follow suit rather than leaving it to the ‘usual suspects’.

Thanks for those who provided material for this issue—a bit thinner than recently, but perhaps a measure of conditions out on the water – check out Phil’s beauty at the end of the issue.


Fly Tying – 25 Jul 2018

We tied the Eucumbene Zonker Bugger under JQ’s supervision.

Materials list and a photo of the killer fly here. Warning – these flies are so deadly that NSW Department of Primary Industries is about to make them illegal. 😀

The zonker is the tail, a replacement for the usual marabou. They’re not overly big and tied on a jig hook so that it may be snag free as you pull them through yabbie beds or soaks around the lakes.


– jig hook sizes 10-16. 12-14 is a recommended size for these. With a slotted bead to suit.

– Thread 8/0 uni and a colour of your choice

– Zonker strip (olive, brown, Black etc) to create the tail. We will remove the fur from strip, rather than tie in the strip.

– flash in any colour. One or two strips tied into the tail.

– body may be any dubbing, spectra, seals or chenille etc

– small wire any colour (locking down the hackle).

– hen hackle to suit body. Eg grizzly, olive, brown black etc.

– hot spot usually flyline backing or something that ‘pings’ when the UV torch hits it. JQ will bring this. It’s what Nathan recommends!

– head cement be it Loon UV or Sally Hansen’s

Recipe – Eucumbene Trout Farm Smoked Trout Pizza

Lyall visited Peter and Karen Cottrell at the Eucumbene Trout Farm a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t realised that they have a fantastic family style restaurant there which specialises in trout dishes and can be paired with excellent wines if that is what you like. Peter was kind enough to send Lyall their Smoked Trout Pizza recipe so he thought he should share it with our friends in Canberra Anglers’ Association.

Smoked Trout Pizza

Survey on Environmental Flows in ACT

My ever vigilant wife spotted a fish related matter in the Chronicle. The ACT Govt is looking for community consultation on environmental flows. Clearly they have an impact on fish habitat but have to be balanced with other needs. I seem to recall our last water drama was partly caused by misjudged releases.

Have your say at

You might care to copy any comments you have to the Secretary in case CAA puts together a club submission.

Jul 2018 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 134)

Fishing is a bit quiet, though I had thought I might have had more on the trout streams closure – seems water levels meant that it was extremely quiet. Lyall reports here on our Saltwater Event which was a lot of fun (always good to catch fish eh!). This is the decider for the Saltwater Trophy. In that vein, if you haven’t already brought in your trophies to Lyall, please do so at the July meeting so that they can be taken off to be engraved with this season’s awardees. The July meeting is also the last opportunity to register your catches in the ‘little green book’ – remember that inclusion in the “Notable Fish Recorded” section of this newsletter is not an official registration for trophy purposes.

Good to see Luke, Lyall and JQ got into some fish after braving the weather and the mud.