Author Archives: bill

Emergency Location Reporting

Our ever energetic President has produced a review of his latest new SPOT Connect and compares it  with his older Messenger locator beacons.

Most of us are aware of the Personal Locator Beacon revolution that has been going on. Many of us own one in case of emergency when angling in the back country. The SPOT system is slightly different and uses the Globalstar communication satellite system to be able to send pre-determined messages rather than declare an all-out emergency.

Click on the link below.


Eucumbene River Spawning Run

It was autumn 2016 and Nathan, with his CCI under his belt and tuck cast well and truly mastered, was after a double digit fish.  You’ll have to click the link below and read the article to learn whether he did or not.

Suffice to say, this article is exciting stuff with lots of good tips on how to go about it – avoiding the shoulder to shoulder crowds we’ve been seeing.


Burrill Lake – Location Report

Burrill Lake is just south of Ulladulla, and has lots of fishing options nearby. In the immediate vicinity is the lake itself, with some access on the East of the highway to the beach. Ulladulla is just north to access coastal fishing for those with larger boats. Durras and some other options are not too far away for other alternatives.

Our March 2016 outing stayed at the Big4 Bungalow Park in cottages (several members having access to special discounts) which offered comfortable accommodation (no bunks in our case) and private access to boat ramp and some section of lake shore.  There’s even a 24 hour bait dispensing machine!

Ray A undertook a recce for the March event and provided some notes.  Burrill Lake – CAA article

Press Release: access to the Eucumbene River Brown Trout Spawning Run at Denison

The full release is available from CAA Secretary.  An extract is below:

On Wednesday 30 March 2016 the Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc (MAS) hosted a meeting with anglers and representatives from Snowy Hydro, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW Fisheries, NSW Maritime and the Lake Eucumbene Chamber of Commerce to try and resolve the issue of continuing environmental degradation of the Eucumbene River banks at the Denison Campground near Providence Portal, NSW…

The meeting discussed all the issues and it was clear that all present wanted to see angler participation on the river continue, but the uncontrolled vehicle access could no longer be tolerated due to the damage being done…

The obvious thing to do Mr Samuels said was to develop a car park away from the river where anglers could park in safety.  This would stop the damage being done, but would also allow anglers to access the river with relative ease…

Mr Samuels said that the meeting resolved to progress the issue.  While it is not possible to do anything for this years run, he said, the intention was to have the matter resolved for the 2017 run.