Category Archives: News

Burley Line Template

Claude suggested that I might upload a template for Burley Line newsletter. That way people making contributions can send in documents using fonts etc that the newsletter employs. Indeed, maybe there are some budding co-Editors who’d like to have a go at producing a full edition in the event that I’m away.

If you find it too hard, don’t worry. I’m more interested in getting good newsy stories than having them formatted in the standard fashion.

Tiger Trout Research

At the NSWCFA OGM today the meeting discussed a report in relation to stocking of Tiger Trout into various waters.  DPI have been conducting a trial of stocking Tiger Trout into waters where trout are being predated upon by redfin.  The Tiger Trout are envisaged to be less susceptible to predation by redfin, but also to contribute to control of redfin by their own predation of the redfin pest.

NSWCFA are seeking advice from DPI on their observations, however seek your assistance in a piece of ‘citizen science’.  Would seek observations by you on any evidence of Tiger Trout predating on redfin from any Tiger Trout you might take home.

The Tiger Trout experiment has been on for a while now. Lake Lyell, Thompson Creek Dam and Lake Wallace (Lithgow version) have received them already

The Tiger Trout experiment has been on for a while now. Lake Lyell, Thompson Creek Dam and Lake Wallace (Lithgow version) have received them already


Fishing Restrictions Tantagara Apr-Oct 2024

Please be aware that a large area of KNP will be closed for feral animal control Thu 4 Apr 2024, 7.00am to Fri 4 Oct 2024, 7.00pm.

Details here.

But it is buried. I found I had to use my browser to ‘find on page’ the word ‘feral’ and get to the 5th one. (You may need to copy the link into a real browser rather than Facebook’s, or click on the three dots top right to select ‘open in external browser’ … this might be just a phone thing 😉 )

A link to the map is in the alert page but for ease, here it is