Author Archives: bill

Blood Knot

For anyone who has struggled to keep control while doing this knot, I recently found a video explaining a very nifty trick … toothpick required.

There was also a similar one using your haemostat, handy as we are generally carrying one of these, but it looked a bit clumsy.

Providence Portal Works Completed

Received from MAS. Good news but also a concerning issue

I am pleased to report that the bank stabilisation works at Providence Portal have now been completed.  A small amount of water has flowed down the system ( too small for fish to move up) and this small flow has remained clean.  The Monaro Acclimatisation Society has been in negotiation with Snowy Hydro over the commissioning date for the project and we have asked Snowy Hydro to delay any significant flow until after the close of the trout season (June long weekend), to avoid unnecessary impact on angling.

However, I have received a number of complaints about many anglers driving across the river and this is causing the water downstream of random river crossings becoming turbid, disturbing spawning trout and potentially destroying already laid eggs.  Anglers should note that Snowy Hydro has delayed commissioning of the works and have made a commitment that on commissioning the flow will be regulated to avoid turbidity in the water – but on the other hand anglers see fit to drive across the river, potentially damaging spawning redds, laid eggs and causing unnecessary turbidity in the river.

The MAS will be speaking with Snowy Hydro and NSW Fisheries in the near future to decide how to approach and deal with this issue, but the MAS is committed to ensuring that our trout are protected as are their eggs.  Anglers can assist by not driving across the river, the walk downstream will do you good.

Steve Samuels


Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc


May 2021 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 167)

After getting Peter’s brown incorrect last month, my penance is that he’s photo of the month this month. Actually the image is there to tempt folk into considering the June Chill event – big fish will be around.
CAA went up to Tumut last weekend. The flow was huge, impacting on the fishing no doubt. Unfortunately it seems both John and Claude are busy at work so we’ll have to wait to next month for a report.
Greg S has been sending in weblinks to some interesting video clips and articles. Well spotted mate and keep them coming. I wonder if he (or anyone else) might like to take on the role of stand in editor – now that JQ has moved to Cairns Burley Line is missing this essential portion of the machinery. With COVID possibly easing a bit (New Zealand bubble at minimum), you can expect me to be looking to travel with consequences for newsletter production … think about it folks, it isn’t that hard.
Some funnies from Mike to lighten the spirits, also I’ve ‘discovered’ a particularly good YouTube channel with excellent video quality (I just love closeups of the fish taking the fly) but also instructional commentary along the way.
A couple of important items from Monaro Acclimatisation Society, plus highlights of NSW CFA and RFA of NSW newsletters.

Yearling Trout Stocked into Snowy Lakes

Got this from Monaro Acclimatisation Society

Dear Supporters

On Tuesday 27th April 2021 a band of some 16 boat skippers and crew descended on Buckenderra Holiday Village to assist with the first mass stocking of 10,000 Gaden Hatchery raised yearling rainbow trout into Lake Eucumbene.

Responding to a call for assistance by the Monaro Acclimatisation Society and the Alpine Angler Store, the volunteers arrived in the heavy fog to assist the Gaden Hatchery staff unload and bag the trout.  Once bagged the trout were ferried to all reaches of the lake by boat and were safely delivered into deeper waters where they have a very good chance of avoiding predation from the numerous pelicans and cormorants that call the lake home.

Most boats made two trips and the stocking of the 10,000 yearlings took about two hours.

Feedback from the Gaden Hatchery staff and DPI personnel was that the stocking was fatality free and went on with military precision.

On behalf of the Monaro Acclimatisation Society and the general public who will ultimately benefit from this event I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the volunteers who freely donated their time, effort and resources to accomplish the stocking.

A similar stocking event was held today (Wednesday) on Lake Jindabyne which was coordinated by the MAS Sub Branch, the Jindabyne Fishing Club.

I would also like to thank the staff at Gaden who have worked hard over this season to on-grow these yearlings, and their work indicates that when the MAS initiative of the Trout Grow Out Facility at Gaden is completed we will be able to look forward to similar events on a larger scale.

Steve Samuels


Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc

Fly Tying – 28 Apr 2021 – Hare and Copper

From Lyall:

The fly to be tied from 7:30 on the evening of Wednesday 28 April via Zoom will be the Hare and Copper.  This is such an extremely easy fly to tie that it almost ties itself!!!  The idea is that you just use materials you already have rather than me being prescriptive, for all materials with the possible exception of the hare’s mask dubbing.  We might have tied these previously but I was asked to tie a sure bet fly for Tumut.

Hook – size 12 or 14, 1 X short nymph hook eg. Gamakatsu S12 (or any size 12 or 14 straight shank, eye down hook)

Thread – 8/0 black UNI thread (or brown or tan)

Bead head – 7/64 black, tungsten bead head (or gold bead head)

Lead ten thou or twenty thou lead wife (optional)

Tail – dark, speckled Coq De Leon (or pheasant tail or brown hackle)

Body – hare’s mask dubbing

Wire – medium UNI French copper wire (or gold coloured)

keyword wetfly nymphfly

Some Changes to Our Website/Blog

Maybe you haven’t already read the instructions on how to use our blog, including the idea of replying to posts or registering to receive emailed alerts when new things are uploaded.  Anyway, our latest innovation is to provide a link to our new search page … it only searches the blog but that’s still pretty useful for those (like me) who can’t remember when a useful snippet was posted.

Excellent Tutorials on Trout Fishing Streamcraft on YouTube

I’ve been providing some informal mentoring to our new member Stephen and have pointed him to Jensen Fly Fishing (on YouTube and their website).  Their videography and commentary are excellent.  You might consider subscribing to their YouTube channel plus their free email newsletters/videos.

I initially pointed him to two specific videos:

Nymphing Rainbow Trout in Ultra-Low & Gin-Clear Water (Fly Fishing) of Pre-Runoff at

And Fly Fishing HUGE BROWN TROUT in tiny water. The art of hunting brown trout EPIC at

I offered some observations, especially for the latter:

  • Watch how you can often see the shadow better than the fish itself
  • Looking for their white mouth is often a key sighting technique
  • The refractive effects of water make them look much skinnier than they are … see how wide (but shallow and short) they look when they swim directly away or towards the camera
  • Some of these takes were of the nymph below rather than the indicator fly – watch both (maybe have to rewind)
  • Again the refractive index means the fish are further away than you think. When he says his fly is right above the fish the fly looks too far away.
  • When the fish takes the dry, see the pause till the fish closes his mouth … but then again maybe he misses one strike by being too slow
  • Watch them working the fish to and fro
  • Take care, some of this is slomo … sometimes hard to tell.  I was taught to strike at the same speed that the trout takes the fly.  Traditionally you sing the single line “God Save the Queen” then strike
  • The very last fish filming is particularly good.
  • Three flies are not permitted in our streams
  • I’m not sure if they do this in these two videos, but in their streamer angling, they like to give the fly a series of little jiggles as they lift back for next cast

Some really good streamcraft lessons to be seen here.

I should also put some of the stuff that Ian has been hammering into me over the years too.  If you have a nice drift down (eg when you have cast somewhat across the stream) let the fly continue down (maybe a mend is needed) and take real care at the end of the drift when a nymph would rise to the surface as this can induce a strike (how many Mataura fish have I missed with this!).  Don’t false cast any more than is necessary (the Jensens emphasise this too).

My NZ guide also has encouraged me to be prepared to cast directly across the current to rising fish – their attention is often on looking forward and they won’t be so attentive watching for me coming from the side – means that the fly has less chance of being dragged – aim for just a rod length at most ahead of the fish.

Interpreting rise forms, especially understanding that fish might be taking just below the surface (bulge), is a topic covered elsewhere here.

Have Your Say in a Review of NSW Crown Land Management

Management of NSW Crown Lands has been somewhat problematic – it impacts on we anglers as the sale of crown roads and travelling stock reserves can impact on angler access to fishing sites.

The opportunity to comment on a Discussion Paper on the Review of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 has been extended to Friday 9th April 2021.

You can read the Discussion Paper and provide your feedback via the Have Your Say form on our website.   If you have any queries, you are welcome to contact the Office of the Crown Land Commissioner at

You’ll probably need to read portions of the Act (links in the Discussion Paper). I’ve personally sent commentary – especially in relation to the Community Engagement Strategy – for that you need to also read the Crown land Community Engagement Strategy

Remediation Work at Providence Portal – some Angling Disruption

The following has been received from Monaro Acclimatisation Society:

Following a number of complaints regarding the water quality in the Eucumbene River down stream of the Providence Portal and the upper reaches of lake Eucumbene the Monaro Acclimatisation Society engaged with Snowy Hydro to identify the cause and to propose remediation works.  Over the years the Providence Portal out-flow has scoured out the rock and clay banks to a point where the fine clay sediment was affecting the lower Eucumbene River and the upper reaches of the Lake.  In February MAS President Steve Samuels and Adaminaby Branch member Col Sinclair met with Snowy Hydro managers at the site to discuss how the problem could be remediated.  The Snowy hydro Board has approved funding for the works which are beginning now and will continue for the next few months.  Anglers are advised that the Providence portal will be closed to fishing to allow the works to progress and a traffic management plan will be put in place to keep people and vehicles safe during the works.

While this will be a small disruption to fishing the long term benefit will be a stable outlet and no further siltation from the erosion.

For further details please consult the following joint press release from Snowy Hydro and the MAS.

Improvement works at Providence Portal

Work is about to start on a 500m section of channel between the Murrumbidgee / Eucumbene tunnel outlet and the Eucumbene river at Providence Portal, to improve safety and environmental outcomes downstream.

This section of channel is designed to sit below the Lake Eucumbene full supply level, but due to the current lake levels, it has been exposed, resulting in some unstable banks. As a short-term measure, the area has been fenced off.

Improvement works have been designed and funded to address the instability, according to Snowy Hydro area manager Kent Allen.

“The banks of the channel would benefit from ‘laying back’ and armouring with local rock material to address these concerns. This work is also expected to improve water quality outcomes downstream,” said Mr Allen.

The work is being carried out for Snowy Hydro by Leed Engineering and Construction and is due to commence in late March so it can be finished prior to winter.

“Snowy Hydro regrets any short-term impacts to people who use this small section of channel. This can be a busy time of the year for fishing and camping. However, the works are not expected to impact anyone who is fishing upstream of the Portal on the Eucumbene River or visiting the wider Eucumbene foreshore area,” said Mr Allen.

“The long-term benefits of these improvement works will result in a much safer and improved foreshore experience for people visiting this area of Lake Eucumbene.”

The works are being carried out in close consultation with the local trout fishing advocacy group, the Monaro Acclimatisation Society. MAS spokesman Steve Samuels said the works should improve conditions downstream for trout breeding and fishing, which are an important economic driver for the region.

The work is expected to be completed by 30 April 2021.