Author Archives: bill

Useful Links Resource – Fly Tying on YouTube

There had been a suggestion that CAA establish its own YouTube video channel but the committee was uncertain that we would have sufficient material to make it worthwhile.  Meanwhile Ben has pointed me to this great fly tying channel.  Ben tells me that “Davie McPhail’s YouTube channel is one of the most extensive fly tying resources on the web. If you need a given fly there is a possibility it will be in here.”  I’ve added it to our Useful Links page.

September 2016 – Burley Line Newsletter


A little late, but a big 22 page issue this month including celebrating Stefan’s award of Life Membership.  Lots of good stuff:

From the Editor’s Desk, A Note from the Newly Appointed President, Coming Events, AGM Outcomes, Trophies and Other Awards, Your New Committee, 120 Minute Challenge, Committee/Council Workshop Outcomes, T-Shirts – Registration of Interest Requested, A Surprise for Peter Buying a Jungle Cock Cape from UK, Tips – Photographing the Fish, Some Assistance Needed to Confirm a Fish Identity, Sanctions Called for Against Certain Members, Casting for Recovery News, CRFA News, Lost and Found – Large Fly Box (Full), Notable Fish Recorded

Click on the link below to view the newsletter. Don’t forget you can leave comments by replying to this post – JQ and I are always after feedback on our work (and words/photos for future issues please)


Gurgler – Fly Tying 24 Aug 2016 (with some examples of flies tied on the night)

Evan volunteered to host another fantastic fly tying evening for Canberra Anglers’ Association.  This month we tied Gurgler flies.  The materials list and a few photos are available from the link at bottom.  You might need to get to Pratt’s Tackle Box in Belconnen or The Anglers Art in Philip.


Variants seen here


Products from the session here:

Evan has advised that he has uploaded a post to provide extra advice on “how to tie in tail materials to avoid the dreaded tail wrap”. This is really useful stuff and I’ll add it as an individual post too.

keyword dryfly

June 2016 Burley Line Newsletter

hmm, not sure how this happened but maybe I’ve accidentally deleted the post advising that the June 2016 issue was uploaded?  Anyway, it was a bumper issue with a preview of Nathan’s report on pre-spawning browns on the Eucumbene River (eucumbene), report on the 2016 Tumut outing, some humour from Barry, tips on holding a fish for that happy snap without damage and more.

Click the link below


August 2016 Burley Line Newsletter

The depths of Canberra’s winter has seen a number of us head north to warmer climes.  Surprisingly some are back in Canberra already, just in time for the snow!  In this issue JQ has shown us that we don’t need to go so far away from home to benefit from nice weather – the sky and sea look perfect in the cover photo.  Lyall has also provided some enticement for us to pursue local opportunities – nice looking fish is part of the content.  Lyall has been very busy with new promotional flyers (preview in in this newsletter) as well as new bumper stickers.  First entries in the ‘notable fish list’ have appeared (remember that official recordings are to be made in the little book brought to meetings).  Lots of other news items.  Click on the link below:


July 2016 Issue of Burley Line Newsletter

JQ has put in a stirling effort in the face of work pressures, regional Internet black spots and a pedantic copy editor (Bill!) to produce this month’s Burley Line. A mammoth 24 page issue includes some great material about recent events provided by Jason M and Lyall. Representing the club in multiple fora. Great to hear from them and we’re always looking for stories from members folks.

Click on link below