Category Archives: Newsletter

The Burley Line, the monthly CAA newsletter

March 2023 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 188)

Our annual Tumut trip was a big success with everyone onto fish and looking good.  The river was well up again.  We need to recruit someone into CAA who has the decision making on the timing of flows .  I had some success on the Thredbo after I couldn’t get to Tumut.

A report from a local river by Ryan is here.  He’s been exploring locally, though a little bird tells me that Greg W and Lachlan have also been scampering around checking out trout waters on most Mondays.  I look forward to a private briefing.

We have an update from our North American correspondent Jason M.  He’s settling into the DC area trying to find good shops and good fishing.  No doubts we’ll here more.

Some news snippets – eg that Monaro Acclimatisation Society has joined the 21st Century and established a Facebook page.  You might want to monitor it for news about the Snowies.

While talking Facebook – many thanks to Ryan for signing up to join Shaun and Bill as our Facebook page administrator.  No doubt he will bring a ‘younger’ perspective to what might be uploaded.  We have over 600 followers of our page – almost exclusively local and it seems few CAA members.  Recently our stats are showing a large number of visits to our website/news blog/newsletter etc have come via Facebook – well done Shaun.  I have asked the Committee whether we should establish an Instagram presence (to appeal to an even younger audience).  Any thoughts to Claude please.

Our club logo embroiderer has moved away from Canberra.  We have identified a replacement so those who would like to have the CAA logo on their own shirts have the opportunity to do so, in advance of any bulk purchases of shirts by the club.

As always, any and all submissions from members for future newsletters will be appreciated anytime.  I’m aware two members are off to fish the Mataura and hope we might get some photos/stories.

February 2023 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 187)

Hmm, I may have been presumptuous advising you of the appointment to RFNSW before the Minister made a public announcement. My first mistake?

A very big issue this month with reports on our Carp day out, the next part of Roger’s motorbike tour in the Northern Hemisphere, some fun on Lake Ginninderra with casting practice that turned out to be more, the deferred Lyle Knowles and finally our successful trip to Jindabyne.

A discussion is here on angler access and related matters, specifically the impact of Biosecurity.  In relation to the latter, I’ve been told there has been further developments in interpreting the laws related to angler access and biosecurity.  Haven’t got the details yet so will have to await next issue of Burley Line.

Some big news for me, I’ve just received notification that I’ve been appointed to the Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council to represent this region. The appointment is for three years and the council provides advice to the NSW Minister for Primary Industry on recreational fishing issues.  Steve Samuels held the position for six years and did a sterling job – I’ll do my best to keep up his efforts.  My intent is that I’ll publish here forthcoming agenda items with the hope that feedback can be received from you (and the other clubs in this region).  Also that you will assist me in understanding new issues so that they can be carried to the forum.

Any and all submissions from members for future newsletters will be appreciated anytime.

January 2023 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 186)

Welcome to 2023 – we all hope you had a safe and enjoyable festive season.

John’s report on our December Saltwater Event here – thanks mate.  Much appreciate a report from Lyall about control (volunteer) activity with the recent National Fly Fishing comp.  Al McH has sent me a colourful report on northern Victoria fishing – almost entices me to emigrate.

I believe report from a recent trip to NZ by our President is in preparation as is a report by BJ and Al McH on back country KNP fishing – a sneak preview is photo of the month.

Some photos here of the end of year BBQ and big raffle.  Some folk won multiple times but were kind enough to permit ‘redraw’.

Some update to our website.  I just noticed that our web address has ‘gone secure’ … it now has that little ‘s’ in the https prefix.  The old http address seems to be continuing to work, but you might want to change any bookmarks to our webpage.  The automatic notification of blog posts still seems to be using the http address.

This edition will come out just before our January Carp event Sun 15 Jan – tips on our news blog.

Any and all submissions from members for future newsletters will be appreciated anytime.

December 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 185)

Don’t forget our end of year barbeque – Wednesday 14 Dec, starting around 6PM at Lotus Bay.  Our big raffle is going cash-less.  Come with your credit/debit card or buy tickets via EFT before the day.

With the cancellation of Stefan’s Brogo trip I was concerned this issue could be a bit thin, but many thanks to Roger, Al and Stuart, there’s plenty to read here.

I found Roger in Toronto awaiting a flight to UK.  His bike is with a shipping agent about to follow him over the Atlantic.  His plan is to spend the winter in the UK and get some work prior to hitting the road again in summer to ride and fish around Europe.  He assures me he has been able to stay safely upright – which can’t be said by yours truly.  I’ve been privileged to get another chapter in his journey log.  Roger clarifies this is Part 2 (still up in Alaska continuing on from his first part).  Part 3 would probably be returning to BC, and part 4 could be the east coast.  All this before we start on his European tour.  I’ll assemble this into a single document for our ‘Places’ blog in due course.

Some of us missed Al’s talk on his recent trip back across the ditch to fish smaller streams in the Taupo basin – the results almost tempt those committed Southlanders to have a session back north again.

Stuart has been up North again – the fish there seem to be so big!!!  Eli’s first major trophy is further evidence.

While it is a ways till February, the summer season will be busy, so I’m starting the promotion for the Jindabyne trip.

I believe reports from our Saltwater Event and a recent trip to NZ by our President are in preparation – we may see these grace a special Christmas edition, or await January issue.  Any and all submissions from members will be appreciated anytime.

November 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 184)

Nice for the club to receive thanks for our efforts with fly casting instruction – certainly drew in maybe a record number of new recruits. The letter of thanks came along with some photographic evidence of (perhaps) lessons learnt, which in turn earns plaudits as our cover photo above – well done David. One of our youngest friends, not yet a member, has caught his first fish on fly – fly cast by himself no less – though he has a big advantage with the waters he is fishing and the excellent flies produced by his dad (a close look at the photo reveals JQ’s tricky weedguard). Greg S and Peter have been fascinated by the amount of water around right now, though it was only after they sent this stuff to me that things got very dire in southern NSW and Victoria – our heart goes out to those affected.

Our News blog has been very active. Some pointers here for those who have not registered for automatic email alerts on new posts. A key one for me, relates to the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers who have uploaded some correspondence showing recent actions the Council has been active in on behalf of anglers.

On one hand it is disappointing that river conditions have led to a postponement of our premier trophy, the Lyle Knowles, but secretly I’m happy as I may actually be in town and available to have a go 🙂 Aside from Lyle Knowles, later this month and early in December we have a rush of diverse fishing activities. Be sure to contact the organisers and commit.

I made contact with Roger, our North American motorcycle road tripper. He wasn’t able to get something prepared for this issue, but is hoping to deliver next month. He is currently on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada waiting for some rain due in a couple of days which he hopes will activate the Atlantic Salmon. Next week he’s heading to Toronto with plans to have a crack at Ontario Steelhead. I look forward to hearing all about it and sharing it with you here.

With the postponement of Lyle Knowles this edition was looking to be a bit thin – I am much thankful for those who have provided copy this month especially some last moment stuff from Claude and BJ. Hopefully next month will be a bumper given the events but, as always, I would appreciate any and all contributions. Copy to me by 22 Nov would be appreciated.

October 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 183)

I much appreciate Greg S’ eagle eye in spotting that Victoria Fishing ‘Nibbles’ newsletter link wasn’t working. I’ve fixed reference to it pending their system being restored.

Thanks also for Claude, acting as co-editor, for finishing off this edition with me being otherwise engaged.

Got a short note from Lyall during his trip to the ‘mighty’ Tongariro in New Zealand’s North Island. Impressive fish is shown in our cover photo. Well done mate.

The only other fishing report is from JM on a ‘sure catch’ opportunity in Far North Qld during his recent long service leave travels. Maybe a place others might care to try out when up that way.

Jaime has provided a video link offering a tip on Blood Knots. I found an informative article on fly line selection.

Members please note, CAA membership fees are due at the AGM in August. A number of folk have signed back up, if you intend to do so, please come along to a club event with cash or card. Alternatively do a bank transfer – the details are here, you can also use the form to update any contact changes. Members have to be financial to benefit from our public liability insurance.

In respect to club merchandise: I’ve recently reviewed our arrangements with the embroiderer who has provided the embroidery of the club logo on shirts (bulk purchased or byo). She is relocating mid next year but other arrangements will be made. Contact us if you’d like some of your shirts/caps/jerseys embroidered – currently $12 each. By the way, there seemed limited interest last time a shirt purchase was suggested. If there is resurgence of interest, contact me.

As always, would appreciate any and all contributions – many thanks to those who prepared articles this month. Copy to me by 22 Oct would be appreciated.

September 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 182)

Lots of stuff here including a report on that impressive barra on our photo of the month. Seems there has been a number of our members up north enjoying the warmth and testing themselves against the local species. This one cheekily including “Presidents of CAA” in the title. BJ and Jason M have submitted reports – BJ’s respect to our first outing of the new season and JM just trying to make me envious of his wanderings north of the Tweed. Thanks also to Mark S and Owen for slipping me two notes.

Some very impressive and colourful flies tied last month – the output from our bunch of merry tiers are on show here. I look forward to hearing how they performed. Thanks again to Boss Outdoors for packaging up taster packs of the material.

Don’t forget our annual fly casting is coming up this month. A slight change in location but pretty close by. Going to be good to see how the new rods perform.

We have a report on our AGM including positions appointed and trophies awarded. Congratulations to the ‘new’ committee and much appreciation for all the good work last year. The official program is here plus on our website.

The AGM also marks the time that members should pony up their annual fees – unchanged from last year. You can choose to come to a meeting of casting day with the cash – or even card now that BJ has set us up for tap and go. Also the time honoured Electronic Funds transfer (BSB 032727, A/C Number 233821. Please ensure your name is included in the transfer comment information). If you have changed contact details, then you can use the webform here.

As always, would appreciate any and all contributions – many thanks to those who prepared articles this month. Copy to me by 22 Sep would be appreciated.

August 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 181)

I got an email the other day that reassured me that my efforts here in Burley Line have some value, but perhaps that some other aspects of the CAA communications might need revisiting: “the Burley Line is the most touched aspect of the club….I’ve never been to the beginner part of the website…but I read every BL.” Burley Line comes out monthly but our on-line presence is much more than that. Our website hosts a number of resources – much of it is embodied in our Blog …. hmm, that’s just a fancy name for a collection of snippets (posts) which we’ve uploaded onto the Internet (you’ve seen ‘posts’ before when you went to download Burley Line, but we post up lots more informative material). The ‘Beginner’ section referred to is one, though it has now been renamed ‘Tips’, but there a number of different segments that you can browse or search (Places to Fish and Cooking are two in particular that I reckon are well worth cruising through). The posts idea also offer you an opportunity to upload comments and questions. Plus, you can (like around 50 have done already) register to get an email notification when new posts are uploaded. Read about how to use our blog here.

For this issue, thank to Claude for his EuroNymphing tip. Not sure I’ll be using it mate, 🙂 but I’m sure many in the club will benefit. Jason continues to have us jealously looking north, this time some fish photos. Talking about fish – Stuart seems to travel even more than Lyall, currently in the USA. Nathan and Compleat Angler may have been re-branded but his support for CAA and fly fishing generally is unchanged. I’ve put in two articles in relation to two organisations that CAA are affiliated with.

Here we are in August, which means our AGM is just around the corner. This is a ‘must-come’ event. Get along and acknowledge those folk who have earnt the various trophies. Of course an AGM also means hearing how the club has fared over the year and the election of a new Committee. Don’t be worried that you’d be shanghaied for a job, I’m sure the Committee have identified at least one person for each job, but everyone is encouraged to put their hand up for a position. Being on the Committee is a rewarding experience and new ideas are always welcome.

July 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 180)

I had thought this would be a rather thin edition – how wrong I was. Seems there’s a number of us who have been out and about even Al getting into trout down south (report held over from last month). Many thanks to our contributors. I would welcome articles from everyone for our next edition – can you get the stuff to me by 25 July please?

So … inside we’ve got a report on some Victorian trout river fishing (Al exploring his new domain), Roger provides a report based on his presentation to the June meeting (the start of his round the world bike ride), Ian giving us a feel about his regular winter sojourn at Burrum Heads, a short report from JM on long service leave up north (forgot his go-pro so no fish imagery), finally, yours truly and JQ test out some swaffing in Cairns.

Got an interesting article come into my in-box on sharpening up your casting. Be interesting to see Lyall’s opinion, but I’m going to try the “Slip-Lift” Pick-up. In due course I’ll put an item in our Beginners blog … indeed the newsletter used to have a small, irregular, segment on ‘tips’ provided by members for members. I’ll slowly upload those into the Beginners blog too – note that the title perhaps is misleading, there’s a lot there for everyone of every skill level.

Everyone would have seen the email from Lyall about next year’s program. Still a work in progress it seems though I’ve already seen that one more event has been confirmed. So folks please step up and propose an event, and hopefully offer to lead (it is not an onerous task if we spread it around).

June 2022 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 179)

Reports here from our recent trip to Tumut – many thanks John for organising. Disparate reports here also from a very wet Lyle Knowles.

Jason M has headed north on long service leave, but managed to depart with one article submitted, plus a much appreciated effort organising enamel badges. Thanks Peter for spotting an interesting podcast and to Al McH (recently departed for points south of the border) for two reports – he has promised to keep us apprised of activities in Victoria, and also to possibly lead a CAA trip south. I’ve also included some fishing regulatory items.

The July meeting fast approaches where the ‘little green book’ closes and registration of catches for trophy consideration ceases. Those who were successful in earning a trophy last season have been asked to return the perpetual trophy. With Lyall away for a while, John is filling in. See him at the June (and July) meeting. Those who think they are in contention (probably not me this year) might think about, if they should win, whether they would wish to receive the small replica trophy presented for keeping. I chose not to last year (the mini-trophies are not inexpensive, and also present a dusting task back at home).

Have you got some stuff to share with other members via Burley Line? Not looking for War and Peace folks, just a couple of paragraphs and hopefully some pictures. If you are up for it, can you email to me before 23 June please? (The burley-line email address link is on our webpage

Reminder also that the committee are looking for your ideas for events … bring your suggestions forward so that the program better reflects what you want to happen. Even better if you volunteer to co-ordinate it, the task is not onerous – see this guidance. As Claude said, one big bonus for you is that you’d be able to set the date.