Category Archives: Newsletter

The Burley Line, the monthly CAA newsletter

October 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 126)

A big issue this month – many thanks to those who have contributed words and photos.  Reports include the casting weekends, including our time on water, Lake Eucumbene continues to produce good fish, Thompsons Creek Dam continues to prove hard to crack.  CAA activities in Switzerland and Malaysia grace our pages this month. Gaden Hatchery reports a very successful spawning run.  Finally, the RecFish NSW newsletter has brought to our attention a very useful information source on stocking sites.

Hope you enjoy it and again many thanks to contributors.


 Apologies, the ‘Coming Events’ in this issue has the incorrect date for the Lyle Knowles.  A decision was taken after the membership card was printed to shift from the one day event on Saturday and instead the event was held Sun 22 Oct.

September 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 125)

Wow!  Luke C has revamped Burley Line to make it a much more polished newsletter – many thanks for your expertise mate.  He has has also taken on the job of assisting Nathan with our Facebook page and social media in general – please assist with being active in both the blog and Facebook spaces.

This month is a packed issue with AGM results (new committee – again, well done folks – and trophy awards), lots of fishing reports (thanks again Lyall and Ash – inspiration for many of us and topics for interrogation 🙂 plus the report on our recent event at Bondi Forest Lodge.  I hope you enjoy the material and the new format.  Please reply to this post with your comments and suggestions.


August 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 124)

Thanks go to Jason Q for filling in for me last month.  Much appreciate his help here, especially given he’s now a very busy father.  I’ll be taking another sabbatical later this year and am looking for a volunteer to try their hand for one edition.  It is a lot of fun (especially with generous members providing material) so jump in.

A huge issue this month, especially thanks to the efforts of our members.  Take a bow folks.  Great to see that, even with the closure of stream fishing for trout, CAA can find excuses to get out and about:

  • JM provides us with extensive notes on our annual event down the coast – recall that this the event that determined the Saltwater Trophy for 2017/18.
  • Luke C and Evan tried a trout site outside our normal range.
  • ‘International traveller extraordinaire’ Lyall introduces us to the Pacific NorthWest – and aren’t we all envious!
  • Claude has extracted from some carefully selected advisors comprehensive advice on the ‘go to’ flies for this region and has kindly shared the results with us all.
  • Our local man representing our fishing concerns in so many forums, Steve Samuels, has made a number of important announcements to ‘his list’ and I’ve repeated them here for those not on it. There are some significant items of news impacting on the local fishery.

This issue will be a hard act to follow.


July 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 123)

JQ has done a sterling effort here in the absence of his co-editor. The photo of Ash is a pearler and inside there are some great shots from Geoff covering his second trip to Slovenia – some huge fish there, thank goodness he has caught them out of regional consideration for CAA trophies!  Also included are some images of our next generation along with information on forthcoming events – essential reading folks.


June 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 122)

Welcome to June – another packed issue. Jason Q will be editing the July edition, so please send in your stuff to help him fill the pages. The Burley Line email address will get it to him. Great seeing some of our newer members contributing – in this issue a report on some local fishing from Claude. Keep up the good work folks.
Peter and I had a very enjoyable time honchoing the group up for “Monaro Streams”. Quite mixed results as you’ll see in the report. Peter and I are still wondering what we’ve been doing wrong! A lot of the attendees have provided me with photos and words – really appreciated.
Along with this, we’ve got a number of contributions such as a gear review by Jason M and a revealing snippet from Jason Q plus of course lots of photos of great fish – who says ‘grip and grin’ is out of fashion!

I checked the link regarding research into the benefits of recreational fishing … it was broken, but I have found a link to the final report.


Apr 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 120)

The arrival of Eli has been a moment of excitement, not just for JQ and Darlene, but perhaps for many in the club.  The traditional gift of flowers was sent to mark the occasion.  We all wish them well with this next exciting phase of their family life.  By the way, the card on Eli’s cot is showing an incorrect length, apparently his ‘blue book’ has 47.5cm recorded!

This issue of The Burley Line has reports from local fishing in a number of contexts plus some discussion on what might have a big impact on trout fishing in the mountains: “Snowy Hydro 2.0” as Malcolm is calling it.  One guest correspondent has provided a report on “Twigwater” in the Snowies, but perhaps more topical in the newsletter item on that report is a link to some videos including a familiar face – check it out.

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