Category Archives: Newsletter

The Burley Line, the monthly CAA newsletter

July 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 123)

JQ has done a sterling effort here in the absence of his co-editor. The photo of Ash is a pearler and inside there are some great shots from Geoff covering his second trip to Slovenia – some huge fish there, thank goodness he has caught them out of regional consideration for CAA trophies!  Also included are some images of our next generation along with information on forthcoming events – essential reading folks.


June 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 122)

Welcome to June – another packed issue. Jason Q will be editing the July edition, so please send in your stuff to help him fill the pages. The Burley Line email address will get it to him. Great seeing some of our newer members contributing – in this issue a report on some local fishing from Claude. Keep up the good work folks.
Peter and I had a very enjoyable time honchoing the group up for “Monaro Streams”. Quite mixed results as you’ll see in the report. Peter and I are still wondering what we’ve been doing wrong! A lot of the attendees have provided me with photos and words – really appreciated.
Along with this, we’ve got a number of contributions such as a gear review by Jason M and a revealing snippet from Jason Q plus of course lots of photos of great fish – who says ‘grip and grin’ is out of fashion!

I checked the link regarding research into the benefits of recreational fishing … it was broken, but I have found a link to the final report.


Apr 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 120)

The arrival of Eli has been a moment of excitement, not just for JQ and Darlene, but perhaps for many in the club.  The traditional gift of flowers was sent to mark the occasion.  We all wish them well with this next exciting phase of their family life.  By the way, the card on Eli’s cot is showing an incorrect length, apparently his ‘blue book’ has 47.5cm recorded!

This issue of The Burley Line has reports from local fishing in a number of contexts plus some discussion on what might have a big impact on trout fishing in the mountains: “Snowy Hydro 2.0” as Malcolm is calling it.  One guest correspondent has provided a report on “Twigwater” in the Snowies, but perhaps more topical in the newsletter item on that report is a link to some videos including a familiar face – check it out.

Click link below to get to newsletter


March 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 119)

I wondered how the heat would affect the local fishing, but as you’ll see it certainly hasn’t affected Leon’s reddies nor some of the natives.  The Khancoban trip was a little mixed in results, but a most enjoyable weekend for all those attending.  Was good to explore new waters, some even heading ‘south of the border’.  I’m still wondering why Peter and I came home on the Sunday – even more when I read the notes from Jaime.

I really appreciate that two of our newer members have taken the time to provide some great yarns and nice photos – keep it up folks.  Plus, we’d been reading about the Victorian Fisheries experiment with using the warm water from the Hazelwood Power Station to raise barra – Luke C and Evan managed to snare one of the ballots for an early go at fishing this unique situation and provide their report.

Click on the link below to read the newsletter


February 2017 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 118)

They said there wouldn’t be enough to publish, but they were mistaken!  Lyall’s call for articles resulted in a number of budding journalists submitting reports, a lot of our folk record firsts in their fishing career plus some sneak previews of what members heading up for our Khancoban trip might expect to see.  A packed issue.  Click on link below


December 2016 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 117)

This is likely to be the last issue for 2016 unless someone can step in to help the overworked President and produce a Christmas special – needn’t be a huge endeavour folks! Any way this one is full of good reading including:

  • Report and photos from our Jindabyne trip – 11-13 Nov
  • the cover photo is part of a report by Luke on a surprising find in Yerrabi Pond
  • Lyall has sent in two very interesting photos.
  • we document a recent first for a new member
  • two Tips from Anglers for Anglers

and lots more – click on the link below.


From the team here at The Burley Line we hope the festive season is a safe and enjoyable one for you – starting with our December social gathering.  Hope to see lots of reports of your summer fishing in the new year. Don’t forget that the first two CAA events are prior to the first meeting in 2017. Watch for email notifications.

Oct 2016 Burley Line Newsletter


Another packed issue with recognition of support from Otto’s Tackle World; the sad passing of a Foundation Member, info on a new Yellowbelly on Lure competition as well as a youth fishing workshop; fishing report on Lake Eucumbene by JQ and our first native fish reported (chance to try out our new native fish assessment tool).  Jump in here




September 2016 – Burley Line Newsletter


A little late, but a big 22 page issue this month including celebrating Stefan’s award of Life Membership.  Lots of good stuff:

From the Editor’s Desk, A Note from the Newly Appointed President, Coming Events, AGM Outcomes, Trophies and Other Awards, Your New Committee, 120 Minute Challenge, Committee/Council Workshop Outcomes, T-Shirts – Registration of Interest Requested, A Surprise for Peter Buying a Jungle Cock Cape from UK, Tips – Photographing the Fish, Some Assistance Needed to Confirm a Fish Identity, Sanctions Called for Against Certain Members, Casting for Recovery News, CRFA News, Lost and Found – Large Fly Box (Full), Notable Fish Recorded

Click on the link below to view the newsletter. Don’t forget you can leave comments by replying to this post – JQ and I are always after feedback on our work (and words/photos for future issues please)