Category Archives: Newsletter

The Burley Line, the monthly CAA newsletter

December 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 162)

In this issue:

  • An article by new member Tristan on building a fly rod – quite inspiring and the rod does work (see cover photo).
  • Images and videos of Googong – a bit more water there now than when we went during the casting weekends.  Thanks Greg S and Lyall.
  • Jaime works as an entomologist (just an excuse to learn the wheres and whens of trout food!) and he chanced on an interesting find.
  • Promo from me for the Jan 2021 Jindabyne trip.
  • A sad tale from someone who will remain nameless.
  • Brogo was cancelled, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t go fishing.
  • Mike offered some supplementary advice in respect to JQ’s Flat Wing Deceiver pattern.
  • Did everyone know that Lake Eucumbene has been performing well?
  • One item for sale.
  • Lots of news from our lobby groups.

November 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 161)

Ian has reminded me that the 1950s vintage front cover we displayed in the October issue was drawn by Alex Gurney, the artist who penned Bluey and Curley amongst others – some of the senior members of the club will know who we are talking about.  I’ve found another one from the early ‘50s.  I’ll try to find more during this year of recalling our heritage.

Many thanks to Claude for his “President’s Notes” this month and his report on Oct Fly Tying.  Also, sincere appreciation to BJ, Shaun, Alan and JM for contributions this month.

JM provided a promotion for the Brogo event but just a short while ago advised that WaterwaysNSW have their reservoirs still for “Day Use Only” due to COVID-19.  He’s exploring options and all will be revealed by email soon.  I’ve left the article in this issue as it might entice some private visits to the waters – it is a great site that we will certainly visit again at some time.  Jason also noted that in Dec 2019, after we were last there, levels had halved again, down to 13%.  Jan 2020 they were at 10%.  In Feb, it went from 10% to 100% in 24 hours.  Wow!

Reports this month are: the successful 75th anniversary dinner; the equally successful Lyle Knowles comp with reports here complete with photographic evidence; secret hints from Nathan for fishing the Eucumbene – many thanks to Andrew for taking notes at the October meeting (this was conducted as a “Zoom and Room” – a few hiccups and mixups but I believe successful) and finally an item from JM on using his kayak on the Goodradigbee.

Worth a look:  … the Victorian initiative in respect to Crown Land/TSRs.  Is this a model we should seek for in NSW?  I dropped in to the Goodradigbee and the TSR has clear ‘do not camp’ signs.  The problem there (and some other land which I think Council manages) is probably the poor behaviour of previous campers.  That said, if toilets are not provided then the inevitable happens – it is one thing to seek people to take their rubbish, it is a significant step to insist they have their own portaloos …. though the Kiwis have forged a path in that respect too.

While talking New Zealand, a mate pointed me to this – he denies it was him.  My first reaction was “canal feeder” but it being a brown does have me wondering.

With my Membership Officer hat on … another gentle reminder about fees.  There are handful of ‘regulars’ who have not yet paid.  Remember that you need to be financial to be considered for trophies!  Alan had to rush through his dues in light of his Lyle Knowles catch.

October 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 160)

The front cover this month is reproduced from the 1950’s version of CAA Newsletter – a special treat given it is our 75th birthday.

This month Burley Line is dominated by images from our annual free Fly Casting Days for the Public.  A pleasing turnout was achieved given some shocking weather and the threat of COVID.  Everyone conducted themselves in a COVIDSafe fashion and still managed to learn much from our in-house instructors, Mark, Nathan and Lyall plus some valued guests in the form of Peter Morse and Nick Taransky.  All the photos submitted to Burley Line (many thanks John and Andrew) are up on the web in an archive folder, protected by a password. CAA members and participants, can contact the editor if you’d like to browse on-line.

Remaining articles this month come courtesy of our two Jasons – many thanks guys … I can trust you to provide contributions.  A combination of fishing in warm places, information on native fish stocking opportunity and more reel maintenance (with an appropriate happy ending).

With my other hat on … members are reminded that CAA fees are due from the AGM (ie last month), a number of our long-term members have yet to renew – please do so.  Our ‘Join Us’ page has downloadable or on-line web forms to amend any contact information.  It has all the information on how to do funds transfer … note that we have a new account number.

September 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 159)

Oops, Event Calendar should show Brogo, 20-22 Nov. Earlier error now fixed

It has been the Annual General Meeting season – CAA, CFA and MAS (delayed from Feb) – even Queanbeyan Angler’s Club.  Notes are here from our AGM including new committee, trophies, Life Membership award and the raffle results plus our outgoing President’s Report on 2019/20 (copied here for those who couldn’t make it to the Zoom meeting).  Notes later from CFA and MAS AGMs.  QAC was very relaxed so nothing significant to report.

Incoming President, Claude, has penned a message sent out by email to all members.  An abstract is included here ‘for posterity’.

Peter and I got up to Jindabyne and the outcome is described here.  Where are the other reports on trips folks?  I had to convince Jason M to take me out on Lake Ginninderra just today to ensure another fishing report. J  Jason has also provided a couple of pieces on gear.

Jaime has sent me a link to remind me of the benefits of fishing as a way to help reduce stress during these COVID times.  It would appear that the angling community in the US are commencing a campaign to raise the awareness by the non-angling public of these benefits.  Read about it here.

Don’t forget, now that the AGM has passed, membership fees are due.  Fees remain at General Membership $40.00, Family Membership $50.00, Concession Membership (age pension or concession card) $15.00 and Junior Membership (U18 years) $15.00.  Bank transfer to BSB 032-727, A/C 24-0140 would be preferred.  Any contact detail changes can be advised via the webform on our ‘join us’ page.

August 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 158)

Our angling has slowed down but it was a morale boost to get a number of articles from regular contributors.  Thanks Jason and Claude for submitting some interesting articles – even if the results of your expeditions did not include fish (we are an Angling association after all), the information obtained will stand us all in good stead.  As ever, I’m impressed by how keen young Luke has become – rewarded here with ‘photo of the month’ plus another photo in his article.  Ever vigilant Jaime spotted one item – make sure you click through to the link in respect to the huge cod landed in LBG.  There is hope still for all of us to land a lunker locally.  Lyall has put in two promotions – for our free casting lessons and for Peter Morse’s classes coming up here in Canberra.  Lots of other news from near and far in this edition.

Our new Facebook editor had a reassuring incident this month.  I’d put up in the CAA (website) News Blog a promotion for our annual fly casting lessons.  Someone following the blog (everyone should think about subscribing) was sufficiently enthused that they then announced the event on the CAA Facebook page just ahead of Shaun doing it himself.  We’ve got 47 folk subscribing to the CAA blog for emailed alerts (some are not CAA members).  By contrast we have 424 followers on Facebook (almost none are CAA members) and more every day.  I wonder if CAA should get onto Instagram and Twitter with the way this newfangled social media is being embraced.

July 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 157)

Many thanks to Rod for his notes.  I’m conscious that some people actually work for a living and I appreciate folks such as him spending the time to contribute to Burley Line.

End of season for trout stream fishing and some members report here on their experiences – some interesting reading from Evan, Claude&BJ and Peter.  What a beauty from Jaime – and then he backed up with a good string of Cod (the man is a veritable angling machine).  Things are relaxing a bit with initial recommencement of CAA angling events with the June Chill at Black Mountain Peninsula – as you’ll see, the President led from the front – but unfortunately our Saltwater event has had to be cancelled, and our meetings will continue to be virtual for the time being.  The unique value of Zoom was demonstrated by the June meeting where, all that way from NZ, Declan Wong spoke on ‘What you should do prior to, and what to expect when, fly fishing in NZ – A guides perspective’.  An enjoyable question/answer session – Claude has provided a summary here.  Finally, another early member of CAA has passed away.

We are getting close to our July meeting … remember, that’s when Lyall closes the ‘little green book’ and the registration of fish for possible trophy consideration closes.  If you have fish to register, you best contact Lyall  and book in a physical meeting or other arrangement in case our club meeting has to continue with Zoom.  My quick glance earlier this month revealed very few entries.

Some good news on the Facebook front – Shaun has volunteered to be the lead Editor.  If you are registered on Facebook, you should consider “liking and following” the CAA Facebook page.  Shaun has lots of contacts and so, while much will align with stuff you’ll see in the Newsletter or CAA Website News Blog, you may well see it on FB first.  I’m adding a column here in Burley Line as a ‘catch up’ for those of you who don’t want to sign up for Facebook.

June 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 156)

The social distancing and isolation continues but some folk have managed to get away fishing.  With the gradual relaxation I look forward to more reports from you guys.

Some very interesting news in here from our ‘peak recreational freshwater fishing’ body – NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers.  CAA has an increasing engagement so please raise with your delegate (Stefan) any issues that you believe need to be raised at state level.

While CAA is not a member, the other key representational body in this region, the Monaro Acclimatisation Society, reports here on their pursuit of the ‘recreational fishing offset’ with Snowy Hydro 2.0 and are hoping for improved engagement with NSW DPI Fisheries.  In practical terms, MAS are looking for a facility where larger fish can be grown out for stocking into Tantangara in the event that redfin are translocated by the pumped hydro.  Some promising news on the issue of money coming out of Snowy Hydro.

In light of the lack of fishing, I very much appreciate the submission from Anthony Heiser – nice to see some good looking trout grace our pages.  Apologies, no such fish photos from the trip Peter and I took.

Good news also from Lyall – our Events Program is set to restart in June given some of the relaxations on social gathering.  Mustn’t forget social distancing, but at least we can gather and gab. Meanwhile JQ continues to tease us with photos of warm weather and feisty fish.  Our eyes are green with envy.

May 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 155)

I thought this was going to be a thin edition given the COVID shutdown but … many thanks to Luke M for his cartoon, Lyall, Claude, BJ and Steve Samuels for their contributions but especial appreciation (and envy) goes out to our Cairns chapter of CAA with Jason Q giving us a comprehensive rundown on life up there.  Everyone who reads it will be beating a track, when the Queensland authorities open the border!

April 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 154)

Well, what a situation we find ourselves in now.  Restrictions on gatherings have impacted on our program, while many of our members have either found themselves in: self-isolation due to international travel (our thoughts go out to Ian and Stuart … anyone else?) and now being asked to keep travel away from home to essential.  Not clear if going fishing would fit within the rules.  As a consequence, this issue is quite light on with club news with wrapping up from events from ‘before the virus really hit’ and a report on our first toe in the water of virtual connection.  My aim with Burley Line will be continue each month as a means of staying connected in this new, socially isolated world.  Any contributions or suggestions for topics will be appreciated.

Our next big innovation is shaping up to be our first effort at conducting a CAA meeting, complete with slide show, over Internet video conferencing.  This proved quite successful at our test run with fly tying last month.  The technology is relatively simple so please give it a try – one hint, keep your microphone muted unless you are actually talking to the meeting; background noise can be quite disruptive to the audience

March 2020 Burley Line (Newsletter Issue 153)

Stop Press – Newsletter has been updated due to Khancoban trip cancellation

It seems a number of us headed across the ditch this past month.  Two reports here.  Many thanks Jaime for his submission and to Peter and Claude for accompanying me and helping with the report.  The final major item is one from Jason M completing his postcards from his earlier trip to Tasmania – much appreciated mate.  Still looking for others to come forward with their stories – too many modest folk in our club?

Many of us have been closely watching the situation in Kosciuszko National Park.  Our News blog has provided some updates (thanks Lyall) and the latest one is quite positive – the authoritative link has been provided.  The fires have also raised the profile of our problem with brumbies and there has been some movement by the NSW Govt.